(Canada) I Feel Home is an original song written for and performed by Cool Choir® http://www.coolChoir.com for Canada's 150th birthday in 2017 (Canada) I Feel Home is available through: iTunes: http://smarturl.co/gaQqHaq Google Play: http://smarturl.... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">(Canada) I Feel Home is an original song written for and performed by Cool Choir® http://www.coolChoir.com for Canada's 150th birthday in 2017 (Canada) I Feel Home is available through: iTunes: http://smarturl.co/gaQqHaq Google Play: http://smarturl.co/LQzCTDK Spotify: http://smarturl.co/DOYhPZf Music by Jamie Serafi (http://www.jamieseraficomposer.com) (http://www.facebook.com/jamieserafimusician) (Twitter/InStagram @jamieserafi) Lyrics by Jamie Serafi and Calgary poet Richard Harrison Song produced by Steve Rokosh (www.whensparksflyproductions.com) and Jamie Serafi Recorded at OCL Studios, Calgary (www.oclStudios.com) Mixed by Spencer Cheyne (www.spencercheyne.com) MaStered by Brock Mcfarlane (www.cpsmaStering.com) Music Video produced and directed by Ken Stead (www.kenSteadproductions) and Cody Southgate Connect with Cool Choir®: http://www.facebook.com/coolChoircanada http://www.twitter.com/coolChoircanada http://www.inStagram.com/coolChoircanada http://www.coolChoir.com Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
[this is a version of a poSt which firSt appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] I don’t go to concerts much, especiAlly not Choir concerts. I find them rather long and boring. Photot by ToniVC But a fe...
[this is a version of a poSt which firSt appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] There’s always a Strange sense of calm that descends on the Choir before a concert. People seem unusuAlly relaxed and more peo...
Antrim Community Choir presents Delusions of Grandeur Tour 2013-2014
This poSt was originAlly poSted to the Embro ThiStle Singers blog. The other day, there was a queStion about whether or not a Choir director should sing while directing. This is an age old queStion but as usual I have my own ideas.  ...
For more information about NKC see our website http://www.northkingStonChoir.org.uk.
The DiStant Star TRT IStANBUL GENÇLİK KOROSU IStanbul Radio Choir
6 World Choir Games in Shaoxing (China, 2010)
5 World Choir Games in Graz (AuStria, 2008)
Cool Choir Perform the iconic Sweet Child O'Mine by Guns 'n' Roses at the Bella Concert HAll, Calgary Visit www.coolChoir.com for more information www.facebook.com/coolChoircanada Twitter @coolChoir