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王友輝 詞 冉天豪 曲
愛的種子埋在地底下 雨水滋潤陽光揮灑
一點一點冒出新綠芽 一吋一吋奮力向上爬
日復一日迎風長大 枝葉漸漸聚成傘一把
黃昏遙望山邊彩霞 入夜探看星空眨呀眨
不管野草茂密紛雜 根苗抗壓努力向下紮
有時雲霧遮蔽靈魂之塔 有時難免孤獨害怕
唯有深情能夠穿透雲霧 帶來天堂裡的無限祝福
愛情樹的枝枒 終究開出一朵美麗的花
Candy Cane Lane | The Girl Choir of South Florida
"Candy Cane Lane" by Jennifer Zuffinetti, arr. Mac Huff.
Recorded live on Friday, December 14, 2012, at The Sanctuary Church in Fort Lauderdale by the Concert Choir ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. Artistic Director: Wallis Peterson, Accomp... more"Candy Cane Lane" by Jennifer Zuffinetti, arr. Mac Huff.
Recorded live on Friday, December 14, 2012, at The Sanctuary Church in Fort Lauderdale by the Concert Choir ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. Artistic Director: Wallis Peterson, Accompanist: Gayle Giese, Choreographer: Lucia Deus.
Just a hint of peppermint and every single thing begins to feel like christmas
And just like the snowflakes, no two are ever the same
Red and white and candy striped in every shape and size, oh what a sweet treat this is
So hop on the choo choo and woo woo to Candy Cane Lane
You'll be all aglow from your head to mistletoes, oh
There's no road that could ever smell as sweet or look as good enough to eat
There's nothin' like a city block of hangin' lights, where I
Just wanta curl up by the fire for a couple cups of cider and
Roast all those marshmallows
They're hung up in the trees in line, the bulbs all fill the street
Just like a scene from a snow globe
So baby, let's go take a stroll down... less
Scott Villard--Procedenti puero for SATB (2009) Sung by Matthew Curtis of ChoralTracks
Procedenti puero
Eya, nobis annus est!
Virginis ex utero
Gloria! Laudes!
Deus homo factus est et immortalis.
Sine viri semine
Eya, nobis annus est!
Natus est de virgine
Gloria! Laudes!
Deus ho... more
Procedenti puero
Eya, nobis annus est!
Virginis ex utero
Gloria! Laudes!
Deus homo factus est et immortalis.
Sine viri semine
Eya, nobis annus est!
Natus est de virgine
Gloria! Laudes!
Deus homo factus est et immortalis.
Sine viri copia
Eya, nobis annus est!
Natus est ex Maria
Gloria! Laudes!
Deus homo factus est et immortalis.
In hoc festo determino
Eya, nobis annus est!
Benedicamus Domino!
Gloria! Laudes!
Deus homo factus est et immortalis. less
Trois Chants de Noel anciens, C. van Rennes, deel 2
Harmonie St. Jozef Kaalheide - Kerkrade o.l.v. dirigent Björn Bus en het Vocaal Ensemble Kerkrade (VEK) voeren "Trois Chants de Noël Anciens deel 2" van C. van Rennes uit. De opname werd gemaakt tijdens het kerstconcert op 18 december 2011 in de parochi... moreHarmonie St. Jozef Kaalheide - Kerkrade o.l.v. dirigent Björn Bus en het Vocaal Ensemble Kerkrade (VEK) voeren "Trois Chants de Noël Anciens deel 2" van C. van Rennes uit. De opname werd gemaakt tijdens het kerstconcert op 18 december 2011 in de parochiekerk "St. Jozef" te Kaalheide-Kerkrade.