International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


6,464 results found
The Heart Of Scotland Choir LIVE 13/10/12 BORN THIS WAY
video: The Heart of Scotland Choir LIVE 13/10/12 BORN THIS WAY

A brilliant end to the firSt half of our October concert! : )

blog: Why can’t I sing?

[this is a version of a poSt which firSt appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   “Why can’t I sing?” The short answer is: “You can. Everybody can.”   Choir of the Munich University of Applied Scien...

PSM FKM UNDIP - Mahadaya Cinta
video: PSM FKM UNDIP - Mahadaya Cinta

Sanita Melodia Choir at Symphony of Life Concert on November 2013

Fix You (Coldplay) - North Kingston Choir
video: Fix You (Coldplay) - North KingSton Choir

Recorded at our Summer Love concert, July 2015.

Malta International Choir Festival 2017
video: Malta International Choir FeStival 2017

The Malta International Choir FeStival - Where Voices Shine – For further information please write to or click here

Goethe-Institut Choir at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin
video: Goethe-InStitut Choir at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin

Singing the 40 Part Motet by TAllis in St Patrick's Cathedral

NNSU Academic Choir - La Cucaracha (concert 25.12.2010)
video: NNSU Academic Choir - La Cucaracha (concert 25.12.2010)

Нижний Новгород. Мексиканская народная песня "La Cucaracha".

St. Edmundsbury Male Voice Choir
group: St. Edmundsbury Male Voice Choir

St. Edmundsbury Male Voice Choir was formed in 1988 and has grown to be one of the largeSt in EaSt Anglia with over 100 members.

blog: Singing in a Choir – balancing individual freedom with the demands of the team

[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   Those of us who love to sing often love to sing at the top of our voices. It’s joyous!   photo by William P. Gottlieb But when you&r...

group: PVCC Community Choir

We are a community of people who love to sing. There is a variety of ages and ability levels. Our goals are learning a variety of repertoire and connecting through music and singing together.