International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


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Kakvo čudo dogodi se (trad. Croatian) - "M. Marulić" High School Mixed Choir
video: Kakvo čudo dogodi se (trad. Croatian) - "M. Marulić" High School Mixed Choir

Performed in Split, Croatia, on December 11th 2013.

San Felipe Chamber Singers - Veni Creator Spiritus, Alejandro Consolacion II
video: San Felipe Chamber Singers - Veni Creator Spiritus, Alejandro Consolacion II

Musica Sacra Choir FeStival Phil- Am Life Auditorium September 17, 2011

Phoenix Singers, Hong Kong
group: Phoenix Singers, Hong Kong

Phoenix, is referring to the many Flame Trees that are found in HK, blooming in May around the city. Flame Trees are known as 鳳凰木 (Phoenix Trees) in Chinese. Phoenix Singers, Hong Kong is a newly eStablished chorus, musically directed by Celia Leung. ...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Phoenix, is referring to the many Flame Trees that are found in HK, blooming in May around the city. Flame Trees are known as 鳳凰木 (Phoenix Trees) in Chinese. Phoenix Singers, Hong Kong is a newly eStablished chorus, musically directed by Celia Leung. The chorus meets once a week and share the joy of singing. The Chorus presented Concerts at various venues around HK since its inception. We also make it our mission to support local charities at each term.  

Mårten Jansson: The Choirmasters Burial
video: Mårten Jansson: The ChoirmaSters Burial

performed by Riga Recording Studio Singers (Latvia) published by Bärenreiter Verlag (BA7413) available at

The Prayer | Soul Sanctuary Gospel Choir
video: The Prayer | Soul Sanctuary Gospel Choir

We recorded 'The Prayer' in isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic as we couldn't sing in our usual venues, St James's Church, Piccadilly and Farm Street Church in Mayfair. We bring the exuberant and uplifting sound of gospel music to these two central L...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">We recorded 'The Prayer' in isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic as we couldn't sing in our usual venues, St James's Church, Piccadilly and Farm Street Church in Mayfair. We bring the exuberant and uplifting sound of gospel music to these two central London churches each month. We wanted a song that spoke to hope and community so we decided on 'The Prayer' as a way of bringing hope and comfort to those that hear the song.  


We are a young and upcoming group, with the passion for God's work.You can find us at Kaneshie SDA Church, opposite Accra Academy SHS, off Kaneshie - Odorkor road. We are always available for all ChriStian occasion. You can call us on

Bairstow: If the Lord had not helped me, sung by St Peter's Singers of Leeds
video: BairStow: If the Lord had not helped me, sung by St Peter's Singers of Leeds

Composed in 1910 in thanksgiving for the safe recovery of the Vicar of Leeds of the day from serious and potential life-threatening illness, 'If the Lord had not helped me' is of BairStow's earlieSt maSterpieces. The warmth of expression at the words 'Thy...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Composed in 1910 in thanksgiving for the safe recovery of the Vicar of Leeds of the day from serious and potential life-threatening illness, 'If the Lord had not helped me' is of BairStow's earlieSt maSterpieces. The warmth of expression at the words 'Thy mercy, O Lord, held me up' achieves a consummate beauty so characteriStic of BairStow at his moSt deeply felt. A richly-scored bass solo is a notable characteriStic of the work, and the grandeur of the choral writing gives more than a hint of the terrific EaSter-tide Anthem 'Sing ye to the Lord, for He hath triumphed gloriously' that was the next year to follow from the composer's pen. This performance was recorded in Leeds MinSter on Sunday 28th April 2013 during the recital of 'Music with MinSter connections' sung by St Peter's Singers of Leeds, directed by Dr Simon Lindley. The organiSt is David Houlder and the bass soloiSt is Quentin Brown. Leeds MinSter, formerly Leeds Parish Church, has a long and diStinguished musical hiStory. The liSt of organiSt...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

O Mary, Where is your baby?  by Gwyn Arch
video: O Mary, Where is your baby? by Gwyn Arch

O Mary, Where is your baby? by Gwyn Arch from 'Born in Bethlehem' Cantores CeleStes Women's Choir Kelly Galbraith: Director Ellen Meyer: PianiSt Angela Peters: SoloiSt recorded on Dec 5, 2015 'The 7 Joys of ChriStmas - Carols Ancient and Modern'...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">O Mary, Where is your baby? by Gwyn Arch from 'Born in Bethlehem' Cantores CeleStes Women's Choir Kelly Galbraith: Director Ellen Meyer: PianiSt Angela Peters: SoloiSt recorded on Dec 5, 2015 'The 7 Joys of ChriStmas - Carols Ancient and Modern' recorded by Rick Harper  

Ubi caritas et amor by Ivo Antognini - Corale Zumellese
video: Ubi caritas et amor by Ivo Antognini - Corale Zumellese

Ubi caritas et amor by Ivo Antognini Corale Zumellese dir. Manolo Da Rold Corale Zumellese in the Concert "from the heart to the voice" with music by Ivo Antognini honor gueSt in the ArchprieSt Church in Mel (Belluno). 5/11/2016 Concerto "dal C...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Ubi caritas et amor by Ivo Antognini Corale Zumellese dir. Manolo Da Rold Corale Zumellese in the Concert "from the heart to the voice" with music by Ivo Antognini honor gueSt in the ArchprieSt Church in Mel (Belluno). 5/11/2016 Concerto "dal Cuore alla voce" della Corale Zumellese diretta da Manolo Rold dedicato alla musica di Ivo Antognini, con il compositore ospite d'onore della serata nella chiesa Arcipretale di Mel (Belluno), 5/11/2016  

One Voice Children's Choir
group: One Voice Children's Choir

One Voice Children's Choir or also known as OVCC, is part of the Music MiniStry of San Bartolome Parish, the oldeSt church in Malabon City. Children who loves singing and serving God at the same time. This group is composed of children ages 15 and below.