International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


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CAUM - White Christmas (XVIII Puer Natus Est - 2013)
video: CAUM - White ChriStmas (XVIII Puer Natus ESt - 2013)

Coro Académico da Universidade do Minho - White ChriStmas XVIII Puer Natus ESt - Sé Catedral de Braga - Braga 14 de Dezembro de 2013

Elmer Iseler Singers
group: Elmer Iseler Singers

The Elmer Iseler Singers, conducted by ArtiStic Director Lydia Adams, is a 20-voice professional chamber choir based in Toronto, Canada. Founded by the late Dr. Elmer Iseler in 1979, it is one of Canada’s moSt illuStrious professional choral ensembles. Th...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Elmer Iseler Singers, conducted by ArtiStic Director Lydia Adams, is a 20-voice professional chamber choir based in Toronto, Canada. Founded by the late Dr. Elmer Iseler in 1979, it is one of Canada’s moSt illuStrious professional choral ensembles. The choir has built an enviable international reputation through its Concerts, broadcaSts and more than 50 recordings. Known for its unique beauty of sound, the Elmer Iseler Singers bring to life an exciting repertoire that spans 500 years of great choral music. The choir regularly commissions and performs new works, and is featured at national and international feStivals. The Singers are highly valued for their contributions to maSter classes and educational leadership workshops for schools and community choirs. From 1997 to 2007 the EIS was the professional Choir-In-Residence through the Elmer Iseler Chair at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Music. For three decades, the organization has been a leader in excellence of choral singing, in creation and per...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

ACS Video - "When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder"
video: ACS Video - "When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder"

Men of Faith Passing on the Faith through Songs of Praise: Continuing the Gospel Quartet tradition at Augsburg College (Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A.), the mission of the Augsburg Centennial Singers is to present Concerts that personalize a ChriStian faith a...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Men of Faith Passing on the Faith through Songs of Praise: Continuing the Gospel Quartet tradition at Augsburg College (Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A.), the mission of the Augsburg Centennial Singers is to present Concerts that personalize a ChriStian faith and encourage liSteners to eStablish and deepen a relationship with Jesus ChriSt and to provide a fellowship for men who find joy in singing songs that have musical excellence, address the heart and reflect a variety of musical traditions. This video was recorded in September 2008. For more information about the Centennial Singers, go to:  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Saint Alexander Choir (Athens, Greece)
group: Saint Alexander Choir (athens, Greece)

Saint Alexander Choir was founded by Ioannis Kottoros, Cantor at Saint Alexander’s Church in Palaion Faliron, in 1943 and conducted by him until 2006. However, the exiStence of a primary form of the Choir conducted by Agesilaos Papantoniou and then Ioanni...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Saint Alexander Choir was founded by Ioannis Kottoros, Cantor at Saint Alexander’s Church in Palaion Faliron, in 1943 and conducted by him until 2006. However, the exiStence of a primary form of the Choir conducted by Agesilaos Papantoniou and then Ioannis Kottoros in succession is traced in 1930s. Since its foundation the Choir has had an exclusive and leading position in the parish ecclesiaStical music, and, like Saint Alexander’s Church, follows the eaStern orthodox doctrine and comes under the Holy Metropolis of Nea Smyrni. Both the Choir and the former conductor Ioannis Kottoros have been awarded several times; recently, in 2005, they were honoured with the Golden Cross of ApoStle Paul by His Beatitude the late Archbishop of athens and all Greece, ChriStodoulos. The Choir consiSts totally of men and performs the choral part during the Divine Liturgy in Saint Alexander’s Church every Sunday (10.20 a.m. - 12.00 p.m.) of its operational year, which begins on the firSt Sunday of November and laSts until...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

STILLE NACHT (Silent Night subtitles)
video: StILLE NACHT (Silent Night subtitles)

Der MONTEVERDICHOR WÜRZBURG wünscht allen seinen Fans und Freunden ein frohes und friedvolles WeihnachtsfeSt! Merry ChriStmas to our fans all over the world! May peace be with you wherever you are! Silent night, holy night! [english lyrics as subtitles]

With One Voice Melbourne CBD
group: With One Voice Melbourne CBD

DID YOU KNOW THat SINGING CHANGES YOUR BRAIN? You’re invited to experience the joy, freedom and inspiration of song at your local With One Voice choir! Neuroscience proves singing makes people happier, healthier, smarter and more creative. Creat...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">DID YOU KNOW THat SINGING CHANGES YOUR BRAIN? You’re invited to experience the joy, freedom and inspiration of song at your local With One Voice choir! Neuroscience proves singing makes people happier, healthier, smarter and more creative. Creativity AuStralia ( is building a happier, healthier, more inclusive nation through the life-changing With One Voice program. We bridge the gap between people experiencing disadvantage and those more fortunate through the neuro-scientific benefits of community singing. We build supportive networks that help people connect to brighter futures. Creativity AuStralia is delighted to offer a suite of With One Voice “how to” guide videos, resources and mentoring for individuals, groups and communities looking to Start new, inclusive With One Voice choirs using our innovative social franchise model. Together, we can change the world… one voice at a time. With One Voice choirs are led by professional conductors and meet weekly, fo...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

[Virtual Choir] Nadhee Thulyam Shaanti (IT IS WELL) - CSI East Parade Church Choir, Bangalore
video: [Virtual Choir] Nadhee Thulyam Shaanti (IT IS WELL) - CSI EaSt Parade Church Choir, Bangalore

50 member Virtual Choir singing Nadhee Thulyam Shaanthi (When peace like a river)

blog: Santa Rosa, CA new men's a cappella choir seeking 2 barbershop tenors

Manzanita Harmony, a new men's a cappella choir in Santa Rosa, CA juSt held its firSt rehearsal. We are 22 Singers Strong. All the men are solid Singers, have good music reading skills, and can sing in a mixed Standing.  We sing both barbershop and ...

Ateneo Chamber Singers
group: ateneo Chamber Singers

The ateneo Chamber Singers (ACS) was formed in 2001 by graduating members of the ateneo College Glee Club who had then juSt completed a very successful tour of Europe, bagging top prizes in Italy, Ireland, Slovenia, France, Germany and Hungary. Since then...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The ateneo Chamber Singers (ACS) was formed in 2001 by graduating members of the ateneo College Glee Club who had then juSt completed a very successful tour of Europe, bagging top prizes in Italy, Ireland, Slovenia, France, Germany and Hungary. Since then, the ACS has eStablished itself as a formidable presence in the Philippine musical landscape. Their unique specialization in sacred choral music has opened a richly eclectic mix of European, American and Asian choral literature that spans medieval to poStmodern periods, traditional to contemporary Styles, complex art music to highly-textured indigenous music, and moving sprituals to psalmody hewn out of traditional Asian musics. In 2006, the ACS made their mark abroad with Awit: The FirSt ACS European Tour, representing the Philippines in two important choral events: the Polyfollia in France, a biennial international choral feStival at Saint-Lo in La Manche, and the 38th Tolosa Choral ConteSt in Spain where they emerged as firSt prize winners in the polyphon...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Johansen Viking Singers - I Can't Make You Love Me
video: Johansen Viking Singers - I Can't Make You Love Me

I Can't Make You Love Me Arr. Courtney Politano As performed by The Honey Whiskey Trio