Sung by us at a singing course in Nottingham in 1977 Sweet was The song The Virgin sang, When she to Bethlem Juda came And was delivered of a son, That Blessed Jesus hath to name: Lula, lula, lula, lullaby, "Sweet babe," quoth she. "My son, And ... Is).getParent().getNext().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">moreIsplay:none;">Sung by us at a singing course in Nottingham in 1977 Sweet was The song The Virgin sang, When she to Bethlem Juda came And was delivered of a son, That Blessed Jesus hath to name: Lula, lula, lula, lullaby, "Sweet babe," quoth she. "My son, And eke a Saviour born, Who hast vouchsafèd from on high To vIsit us that were forlorn: Lula, lula, lula, lullaby, Sweet babe", quoth she And rocked him sweetly on her knee.
I.- Plenitud dorada (0:14) II.- Tarde encendida (2:33) III.- Serena de amarillos (3:50)
Por Enquanto Renato Russo (1960-1996) Fabio Braga - arranjo Jovem Canto Youth Choir Altamiro Bernardes X Festival Mundus Cantat Secular Music Auditions Silver Diplom Church of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Star of The Sea Sopot - Poland May 2014
A children's nonsense clapping song in The Ashanti language: "Sorry old Man, The little boy has made you fall over. Sorry." ThIs Is from The OK Chorale's second public concert in March 2013 at St. Mary's Church, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK.
The New Jersey Chamber Singers (NJCS) performs Beata VIscera. plainchant arr. Joseph Jennings recording engineer John Baker Beata virginIs Beata vIscera, Mariae virginIs quae portaverunt aeterni PatrIs filium Blessed... Is).getParent().getNext().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">moreIsplay:none;">The New Jersey Chamber Singers (NJCS) performs Beata VIscera. plainchant arr. Joseph Jennings recording engineer John Baker Beata virginIs Beata vIscera, Mariae virginIs quae portaverunt aeterni PatrIs filium Blessed virgin Blessed womb of The Virgin Mary which became The portal for The eternal Son of The FaTher Recorded at St Pio of Pietrelcina RoMan Catholic Church, 103 Washington Ave, Lavallette, NJ 08735-2351 Copyright 2011 New Jersey Chamber Singers
Ro Composer: Ro Ogura Greendale Chorale sings 'Hotaru Koi' in Orientale Concentus III, held in Yilan, Taiwan. Greendale Chorale was awarded 'Gold' and 'Category Champions of Youth Choir (Equal Voices)' category.
"Lord I Want" (spiritual) Tradicional norteamericana ***** Coral Santiago Apóstol de Casarrubuelos SolIstas: Paloma Zarza (contralto), Angeles Gómez del Pulgar (soprano) Director: Mariano García ***** III Encuentro de Música Sacra de Casarrubuelos ... Is).getParent().getNext().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">moreIsplay:none;">"Lord I Want" (spiritual) Tradicional norteamericana ***** Coral Santiago Apóstol de Casarrubuelos SolIstas: Paloma Zarza (contralto), Angeles Gómez del Pulgar (soprano) Director: Mariano García ***** III Encuentro de Música Sacra de Casarrubuelos 31 de marzo de 2012 Parroquia Santiago Apóstol Casarrubuelos (Madrid)
Sibi Consoni - sez. maschili dir. Roberta Paraninfo Manolo Da Rold (1976) REJOICE - Movement III from The suite Sweet 27 maggio 2017 51° Concorso Corale Nazionale "Città di Vittorio Veneto"
Down by The riverside Cantata presso le Scuderie Estensi a Tivoli il 25 maggio 2013, in occasione della III° edizione del TGS & friends, evento organizzato interamente dai Tibur Gospel Singers con lo scopo di celebrare il canto Gospel, insieme ad altri... Is).getParent().getNext().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">moreIsplay:none;">Down by The riverside Cantata presso le Scuderie Estensi a Tivoli il 25 maggio 2013, in occasione della III° edizione del TGS & friends, evento organizzato interamente dai Tibur Gospel Singers con lo scopo di celebrare il canto Gospel, insieme ad altri gruppi musicali.
TITANIUM, David Guetta. Coro Infantil de Loranc del Colegio Público Fregacedos de Fuenlabrada (Madrid) en el III Encuentro Coral de Agrupacoros Madrid.