International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


336 results found
Conrad Susa - Six Joyce Songs (Vol 2)
video: Conrad Susa - Six Joyce Songs (Vol 2)

Performed at Church of the Holy Apostles, Chelsea, NYC, USA in March 2017 Featuring both our chorus and our professional ensemble (as semi-chorus) Pianist: Robert Fleitz First Published 1997

O Nata Lux - ECU Chorale - 2013 OMEA In-Service Workshop
video: O Nata Lux - ECU Chorale - 2013 OMEA In-Service Workshop

The East Central University Chorale performing "O Nata Lux" by ECU Resident composers Tori Davison and Rudy Lupinski. Dr. J. Steven Walker, conducting Rudy Lupinski at the piano This performance was recorded in the Holy Family Cathedral in downtown Tul...  more

Thomas's Choral Society
group: Thomas's Choral Society

Thomas’s Choral Society was founded in 1999 and performs two concerts each year in the glorious setting of Holy Trinity Sloane Square. We are directed by the dynamic Scott Inglis-Kidger, a music graduate from Cambridge University and previously a countert...  more

Fulham Camerata
group: Fulham Camerata

Fulham Camerata is primarily a non-auditioning amateur chamber choir with between 25 and 50 members. It is supported by a smaller, auditioning Fulham Camerata Ensemble which is made up of professional and semi-professional singers, allowing the main Camer...  more

Tydi a Roddaist
video: Tydi a Roddaist

Cefn Hengoed Ladies Choir sing Tydi a Roddaist at the Church of the Holy Cross as part of the Cowbridge Food and Drink Festival 24 May 2015

blog: ALBION - Carols with Albion Sheffield 2015

Carols with Albion: Sheffield 2015 Friday 18 December at 8.00pm Holy Trinity Church, MILLHOUSES, Sheffield S7 2GY We advise early booking, as last year's Carols with Albion sold out! Please scroll down to buy tickets “SUPERB. Delay in...

Jules van Nuffel - Christus vincit Op. 20a - Cappella Victoria Jakarta
video: Jules van Nuffel - Christus vincit Op. 20a - Cappella Victoria Jakarta

Cappella Victoria Jakarta UBI PETRUS, IBI ECCLESIA Sacred Music for the Solemnity of the Holy Apostles Peter & Paul Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013 | Pkl. 18.30 Kapel Santa Ursula, Jakarta Pusat - Gregorian Chant - Oremus pro Pontifice GIOVANNI PIERLUIG...  more

blog: Beethoven Hurts

Walking home after choir one night my friend and fellow chorister Barbara and I agreed the hardest piece we’ve ever done was Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis.   Here’s what I wrote about it at the time, (referring specifically to the Cr...

Sure on This Shining Night
video: Sure on This Shining Night

2012十週年音樂會 高雄市文化中心至德堂 2012-11-16 指揮: 朱如鳳 伴奏: 許溎芳 詩:James Agee艾吉 曲:Samuel Barber巴伯 二十世紀美國作曲家巴伯(Samuel Barber, 1910-81)生長於賓夕法尼亞州,畢業於費城寇蒂斯音樂學院,除鋼琴和作曲外,還學習歌唱和指揮。他是傑出的美國新浪漫主義作曲家之一,樂曲中充滿詩情,往往在緊緻與複雜的音樂結構中,展現出乎意外的優美樂句。 〈在這閃亮的夜晚〉原為男中音與鋼琴的獨唱作品,後來改編為混聲...  more

Kórus Spontánusz
group: Kórus Spontánusz

Who are we? Well, we are the Kórus Spontánusz! That was our answer, unexpected even for us, since we hadn’t thought of a name yet. It happened on a December night in 2001 in Sopron in front of the Dömötöri Patisserie where we sang Christmas carols for ...  more