Невідомий автор "Жили дванадцять розбійників" Академічний хор ім. П. Майбороди Т. Штонда диригент Юлія Ткач Academic Choir of the National radio of Ukraine named after P. Maiboroda . Bandleader Yuliya Tkach
Aftonen Lyrics by Herman Sätherberg Composed by Hugo Alfvén Sing Around the World Conductor: Meng-Hsien PENG Performance: Müller Chamber Choir Performed at National Concert Hall, Taipei, Taiwan June 2014
National Competition in Fermo 18 ottobre 2015
Robinson Singers & Select Women's Ensemble Mike Horanski, conductor Sydney Guillaume, piano... World Premiere - June 4, 2015 Lord of Life Lutheran Church Fairfax, Virginia - - - SydneyGuillaume.com - - - French text by Gabriel T. Guillaume: ... more
SUNDAY 24 MAY at 2.15pm THE ENGLISH MUSIC FESTIVAL in Sutton Courtenay, Oxfordshire - website www.englishmusicfestival.org.uk We make our first appearance at this prestigious National festival in a beautiful church -- I...
Dulaman by Michael McGlynn Performed by Chanticleer February 10, 2006 at The National Filharmonic of Lithuania Music Director: Joseph Jennings
Conductor: Meng-Hsien PENG Audio Recording Engineer: Chao-Hui WANG Performance: Müller Chamber Choir Performed at National Concert Hall, Taipei, Taiwan 14 December 2019
Mazmur 150 - Psalm 150 Composer: Gerhard Gere The following video is a Virtual Video of the XVI National Student Pesparawi Choir presented by the Darma Cendika Catholic University Student Choir - Benedicamus Chante
A part of the Choir's performance at the InterNational Choral Competition of Folcloristic Music ADRIA CANTAT 2016, awarded Golden Prize and 1st Place in the respective category. Recorded on May 28, 2016, in the Croatian National Theatre in Šibenik. camer... more
"The Star-Spangled Banner" (the National anthem of the United States) by John Stafford Smith, text by Francis Scott Key, arranged by Henry Leck. Performed by the 2011 Touring Choir of The Girl Choir of South Florida on Friday, July 1, 2011, at Christ L... more