International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


193 results found
Den første song eg høyra fekk - Nidarosdomens Guttekor
video: Den første song eg høyra fekk - Nidarosdomens Guttekor

Music video of the Nidaros Cathedral Boys' Choir on tour. Get a unique and never before publIShed insiders view behind the scenes of the LIFE in the Trondheim-based boys' choir. Performed by Nidarosdomens Guttekor (Nidaros Cathedral Choir of Men and ...  IS).getParent().getNext().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">moreISplay:none;">Music video of the Nidaros Cathedral Boys' Choir on tour. Get a unique and never before publIShed insiders view behind the scenes of the LIFE in the Trondheim-based boys' choir. Performed by Nidarosdomens Guttekor (Nidaros Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys) on May 12th, 2017 in the Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim, Norway. Directed and conducted by Bjørn Moe Filmed and edited by SPÆTT film. Audio recording by AMBOLT audio. Music: "Den første song eg høyra fekk" - Per Sivle SoloISts: Haakon (soprano) and Ingmar (alto)  IS).getParent().getPrevious().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">less

Vsi potoki vse reke (Aldo Kumar, Gregor Strniša) - vokalna skupina Gallina
video: Vsi potoki vse reke (Aldo Kumar, Gregor Strniša) - vokalna skupina Gallina

Vsi potoki vse reke/ All streams all rivers Posneto v živo na koncertu Gallina DeLux 30.11. 2017 v Mestnem muzeju Ljubljana. / LIFE recording from a concert Gallina DeLux, 30.11. 2017, City museum Ljubljana. Skladatelj/Composer: Aldo Kumar (1954) ...  IS).getParent().getNext().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">moreISplay:none;">Vsi potoki vse reke/ All streams all rivers Posneto v živo na koncertu Gallina DeLux 30.11. 2017 v Mestnem muzeju Ljubljana. / LIFE recording from a concert Gallina DeLux, 30.11. 2017, City museum Ljubljana. Skladatelj/Composer: Aldo Kumar (1954) Besedilo/Lyrics: Gregor Strniša (1930-1987) Izvajalec/Performer: Gallina, vokalna skupina/ vocal group Umetniška vodja/ArtIStic leadership: Ana Erčulj Producent/Producer: Matjaž Prah Snemanje/ Recording made by: RTV Slovenija  

Musique by Sydney Guillaume | Robinson Singers & Select Women's Ensemble (World Premiere)
video: Musique by Sydney Guillaume | Robinson Singers & Select Women's Ensemble (World Premiere)

Robinson Singers & Select Women's Ensemble Mike Horanski, conductor Sydney Guillaume, piano... World Premiere - June 4, 2015 Lord of LIFE Lutheran Church Fairfax, Virginia - - - - - - French text by Gabriel T. Guillaume: ...  IS).getParent().getNext().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">moreISplay:none;">Robinson Singers & Select Women's Ensemble Mike Horanski, conductor Sydney Guillaume, piano... World Premiere - June 4, 2015 Lord of LIFE Lutheran Church Fairfax, Virginia - - - - - - French text by Gabriel T. Guillaume: Musique Fidèle compagnon, expression de nos âmes, Musique, nous t’aimons, rallume notre flamme… Tu es la vie, tu es lumière; Tu es la flamme qui éclaire. Du lever du soleil jusqu’aux ombres du soir, Dans nos moments d’angoISse, au sein de nos déboires, À toute heure, en tous lieux, En toutes circonstances tu brilles sous nos yeux. Musique de nos joies! Musique de nos pleurs! Que serions-nous sans toi? Tu es notre Bonheur. Par ta douce clarté ranime notre monde; RemplIS-nous à jamaIS d’une bonté profonde. Que les hommes, tous en chœur, chantent tes mélodies, Pour que notre univers devienne symphonie. Musique, nous t’aimons, ranime notre monde. - - - EnglISh Poetic Translation: Music Loyal companion, expression of o...    IS).getParent().getPrevious().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">less