International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


5,460 results found
ACS Video - "Precious Lord"
video: ACS Video - "Precious Lord"

Men of Faith Passing on the Faith through Songs of Praise: Continuing the Gospel Quartet tradition at Augsburg College (Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A.), the mission of the Augsburg Centennial Singers is to present Concerts that personalize a ChriStian faith a...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Men of Faith Passing on the Faith through Songs of Praise: Continuing the Gospel Quartet tradition at Augsburg College (Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A.), the mission of the Augsburg Centennial Singers is to present Concerts that personalize a ChriStian faith and encourage liSteners to eStablish and deepen a relationship with Jesus ChriSt and to provide a fellowship for men who find joy in singing songs that have musical excellence, address the heart and reflect a variety of musical traditions. This video was recorded in September 2008. For more information about the Centennial Singers, go to:  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Utrechts Byzantijns Koor - Nowa Radistj Stala
video: Utrechts Byzantijns Koor - Nowa RadiStj Stala

The Utrecht Byzantine Choir sings ChriStmas songs conducted by Kwitka Kondracki

2011 May BWB concert Transylvania Mania
video: 2011 May BWB Concert Transylvania Mania

BurStin' with Broadway sings Transylvania Mania - from Young FrankenStein. Music by Mel Brooks, arranged by Mac Huff. BurStin' with Broadway is a non-auditioned community choir of 115 Singers in North VAncouver, BC, Canada. Directed by Dominique Hoga...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">BurStin' with Broadway sings Transylvania Mania - from Young FrankenStein. Music by Mel Brooks, arranged by Mac Huff. BurStin' with Broadway is a non-auditioned community choir of 115 Singers in North VAncouver, BC, Canada. Directed by Dominique Hogan. Caitlin Hayes on Piano, Colin Parker on Drums, JC Thompson on Bass, Will Goede on reeds.  

Still I Rise | The Girl Choir of South Florida
video: Still I Rise | The Girl Choir of South Florida

"Still I Rise" by Rosephanye Powell. Recorded live on Thursday, July 3, 2014, at ChriSt Lutheran Church in Oakland Park, Florida. Performed by the Concert Choir ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. ArtiStic Director: Wallis Peterson, Accompanis...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">"Still I Rise" by Rosephanye Powell. Recorded live on Thursday, July 3, 2014, at ChriSt Lutheran Church in Oakland Park, Florida. Performed by the Concert Choir ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. ArtiStic Director: Wallis Peterson, AccompaniSt: Gayle Giese. Note from the composer: "Still I Rise" was inspired by the poem of the same name by poet laureate Maya Angelou. It is a women's anthem, saluting the Strength to persevere through life's difficulties–low self-eSteem, physical and emotional abuse, prejudice, abandonment, and the like. In summary, though a woman's life or paSt may be filled with tears and heartaches, with each day that she finds herself Still living, she finds that she has grown Stronger and risen a little higher because her circumStances have not overcome her. Thus, every new day can be one of hope and joy because regardless of the paSt, today, "Still I rise"! Though I have been wounded, aching heart full of pain. Still I rise, yes, Still I rise. Jus' like a budding rose, my...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Sleep in Peace-Tim Porter
video: Sleep in Peace-Tim Porter The firSt verse of Sleep in Peace, a never before recorded ChriStmas Carol by Tim Porter. All potos by Russell Walker, . Sound editing by Josh Williams of BRC Audio, . www.kanto...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;"> The firSt verse of Sleep in Peace, a never before recorded ChriStmas Carol by Tim Porter. All potos by Russell Walker, . Sound editing by Josh Williams of BRC Audio, . Copyright 2011- Kantorei Kansas City  

Glaslinn Choir performing Lullabye
video: Glaslinn Choir performing Lullabye

Glaslinn Choir from Cork performing Lullabye (words and music by Billy Joel, arranged by Mac Huff). The choir was performing at a Concert on April 11 2014 in St Peter's Church, Bandon in aid of CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young). Conductor Antoinette Baker, ...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Glaslinn Choir from Cork performing Lullabye (words and music by Billy Joel, arranged by Mac Huff). The choir was performing at a Concert on April 11 2014 in St Peter's Church, Bandon in aid of CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young). Conductor Antoinette Baker, AccompaniSt Ruth O'Shea).  

The Lake Isle of Innisfree (Western High School Select Women, State MPA 2012)
video: The Lake Isle of Innisfree (WeStern High School Select Women, State MPA 2012)

The Lake Isle of Innisfree Eleanor Daley WeStern High School Fort Lauderdale, FL US Select Women's Ensemble Brandon Monse, director Gary Stroh, piano Florida Vocal Association 2012 South State Choral Music Performance Assessment Palm Beach A...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Lake Isle of Innisfree Eleanor Daley WeStern High School Fort Lauderdale, FL US Select Women's Ensemble Brandon Monse, director Gary Stroh, piano Florida Vocal Association 2012 South State Choral Music Performance Assessment Palm Beach atlantic University WeSt Palm Beach, FL May 2, 2012  

group: Middle Community Chorus

The Middle Community Chorus is a professional-level volunteer choir that sings moStly gospel music, but also music of all genres accompanied by a 4-piece band. It provides the music for Middle Collegiate Church's Art & Soul worship at 6 PM. Mu...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Middle Community Chorus is a professional-level volunteer choir that sings moStly gospel music, but also music of all genres accompanied by a 4-piece band. It provides the music for Middle Collegiate Church's Art & Soul worship at 6 PM. Music reading is very helpful, but not as important as good intonation and a keen ear for gospel music. The only rehearsals are on Sunday afternoons at 4:30, for the 6:00 PM worship (Start date 9/7) so it is essential that Singers muSt be able to work on music outside of rehearsal that will be diStributed several days in advance. Middle Collegiate Church is located in the EaSt Village at 2nd Avenue and 7th Street.  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Svanholm Singers - Fattig bonddräng (by Henrik Dahlgren / Georg Riedel) [Official Video]
video: Svanholm Singers - Fattig bonddräng (by Henrik Dahlgren / Georg Riedel) [official Video]

"Fattig bonddräng" Text & music: AStrid Lindgen and Georg Riedel Arrangement: Henrik Dahlgren Performed by Svanholm Singers Conducted by Sofia Söderberg Audio recorded by Simon Petersson Audio edit and mix by Henrik Dahlgren Video recorded by P...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">"Fattig bonddräng" Text & music: AStrid Lindgen and Georg Riedel Arrangement: Henrik Dahlgren Performed by Svanholm Singers Conducted by Sofia Söderberg Audio recorded by Simon Petersson Audio edit and mix by Henrik Dahlgren Video recorded by Per Nyberg and Miriam Hjalmarsson Video directed and edited by Miriam Hjalmarsson official website: Facebook: InStagram: More videos: More music: LYRICS: Jag är fattig bonddräng, men jag lever ändå Dagar går och kommer, medan jag knogar på Harvar, sår och plöjer, mockar, gräver och bär Går bak mina oxar, hojtar visslar och svär Jag är fattig bonddräng, och jag tuggar mitt snus Och när lörda'n kommer, vill jag ta mig ett rus Sen, när jag blitt livad vill jag tampas och slåss Vila hos en flicka vill jag också, förStås Sen, så kommer sönda'n, och då vill våran präSt att j...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less