Pontypridd Male Voice Choir perform An AmericAn Trilogy
The matchless AmericAn Boychoir presents a cheerful program of holiday hymns And Christmas carols: a heavenly evocation of Christmases past, present, And future in a not-to-be-missed December event. Tickets to this event include Museum admissio...
Founded in 1937, the AmericAn Boychoir has long been recognized as one of the finest musical ensembles in the world. The choir performs An exclusive holiday concert featuring seasonal favorites And new classics. Tickets to this event in...
The AmericAn Chamber Chorale was joined by some very talented young Irish dAncers at our 10th Anniversary concert held in May 2011. Here's a brief video clip of the dAncers in action.
CAntores Celestes Women's Choir Kelly Galbraith, Director www.cAntorescelestes.com http://www.facebook.com/CAntoresCelestes http://www.youtube.com/user/cAntoresc... http://twitter.com/CAntores_Choir