International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


451 results found
blog: InTERKULTUR International - a video greetIng

  It will be an excitIng year for you, for us and the choral community.   We Love our job because you give us a better understandIng of different cultures and because we appreciate how valuable our work is. DurIng the First World Choir Ga...

group: ConVita

Our sIngers come from the region of Romerike. We Love to improvise, perform flash mobs In public places, and meet other sIngers.

blog: 4 Magical Consortium Opportunities

Hello everyone! Today I have the pleasure of sharIng with you four excitIng proposals for choral consortia. I Love the idea of a consortium because it represents the essence of community at its best. The possibility of creatIng music together, of unitIng...

blog: Galaxias What do you thInk of the message of this piece?

When I wrote Galaxies I thought "No matter how far away we are, each person is like a star that shInes and gives warmth to those who Love and value. It is like a galaxy where each star, although separated by thousands of light years, is part of a communit...

Heart Of David Music Crew
group: Heart Of David Music Crew

We Love to give God praise and worship In High DefInition.

blog: Where to go In Venice?

Maybe there is no people who doesn’t know anythIng about Venice. For some of us Venice is the city of Love, for others a pInch of history or a sInkIng wonder world caused by global warmIng. But it is not so well-known fact that there are 115 small i...

blog: Have voice, will travel

[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   I Love my job, I really do. I just need some space and a bunch of people and we will make beautiful music together.   Photo by Heather JennIngs &...

blog: Choral ArrangIng...the more I do , the more I learn

I thInk I’ve started a new project that is goIng to keep me learnIng new musical skills for a long time….. I Love workIng on choral arrangements, however the more I do and the more I thInk about them, the more I actually learn. I am extremel...

blog: LearnIng to Love the sound of your own voice

[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   I recently wrote about some of the reasons why you might thInk you can’t sIng.   Suessian megaphone by theparadigmshifter   One of th...