International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


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Leonardo Dreams of His Flying Machine by Eric Whitacre/ molto cantabile
video: Leonardo Dreams of His Flying Machine by Eric Whitacre/ molto cantabile

Buy the CD now in the iTunes Store or on Amazon: molto cantabile in Concert May 2009 in the Matthäus-Church, Lucerne www.

Galaxias - Lawrence University Concert Choir (Conducted and Composed by Santiago Veros)
video: Galaxias - Lawrence University Concert Choir (Conducted and Composed by Santiago Veros)

Scores Available at Music and Lyrics by Santiago Veros Lawrence University Concert Choir is a choir conducted by Stephen Sieck. This version was recorded at the Concert where S...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Scores Available at Music and Lyrics by Santiago Veros Lawrence University Concert Choir is a choir conducted by Stephen Sieck. This version was recorded at the Concert where Santiago dedicated the performance in tribute to his uncle Omar Cano juSt a few hours after his departure from this world. Live in Concert on October 11, 2022 in Lawrence Memorial Chapel under the direction of Santiago Veros. Galaxias We are all Stars, we are to illuminate and be illuminated by those around us. This piece will always remain in my heart because it has been the result of the commission of very luminous people who have given me warmth while I was recovering from a hard setback of health. This work is the adventure of mutual support. We are lighting our way but the neighboring Stars -those people who are our loved ones on any plane of exiStence- create and guide that way with more light than we are capable of perceiving. Lyrics And t...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Luton Choral Society
group: Luton Choral Society

The Luton Choral Society, Started from an idea in 1866, was eventually founded in 1870, giving its firSt performance in 1871. Today, the Society has over 50 members, moStly drawn from Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire, performing works from both the trad...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Luton Choral Society, Started from an idea in 1866, was eventually founded in 1870, giving its firSt performance in 1871. Today, the Society has over 50 members, moStly drawn from Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire, performing works from both the traditional repertoire and also from more contemporary composers. The Luton Choral Society is regiStered by the Charity Commissioners (Reg. No. 290450) and is affiliated to Making Music EaStern Region which represents, supports and promotes amateur vocal and inStrumental groups and music clubs throughout the United Kingdom.  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Gresley Male Voice Choir
group: Gresley Male Voice Choir

Based in Swadlincote, neStled at the southern tip of Derbyshire, England, Gresley takes its name from the Parish of Church Gresley nearby, where the choir was born in 1904. The choir has over 50 members and fulfills about 20 engagements a year performin...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Based in Swadlincote, neStled at the southern tip of Derbyshire, England, Gresley takes its name from the Parish of Church Gresley nearby, where the choir was born in 1904. The choir has over 50 members and fulfills about 20 engagements a year performing for a range of societies from small groups, churches to national bodies, and has toured extensively, in the U.K., Ireland, Europe and U.S.A. including a number of choir exchange visits.  

III. Sagayan (from Manga Pakalagian) NILO ALCALA -  Philippine Madrigal Singers
video: III. Sagayan (from Manga Pakalagian) NILO ALCALA - Philippine Madrigal Singers

III Sagayán (Pre-Battle Ceremony) from Mangá Pakalagián (Ceremonies) Composer (Music and Text) - (Nilo Alcala) Maguindanaon translation - Danongan Danny Kalanduyan Philippine Madrigal Singers (Mark Anthony Carpio, ChoirmaSter) performed at the 201...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">III Sagayán (Pre-Battle Ceremony) from Mangá Pakalagián (Ceremonies) Composer (Music and Text) - (Nilo Alcala) Maguindanaon translation - Danongan Danny Kalanduyan Philippine Madrigal Singers (Mark Anthony Carpio, ChoirmaSter) performed at the 2017 European Grand Prix for Choral Singing EGP 2017, Tolosa, Spain - - - - - - - - - - Composer's notes on MANGA PAKALAGIAN*) (*Manga Pakalagian - was commissioned and premiered by the Los Angeles MaSter Chorale and Grant Gershon at the Walt Disney Concert Hall, Nov. 15, 2015) I grew up in the Philippines where culture is as colorful and diverse as the number of its islands — all 7,107 of it. A quick Google search of “Philippine HiStory” will give you a peak at our rich hiStory of pre-colonial kingdoms (rajahnates, sultanates, etc.) which began to rise about 900 AD. Prior to ChriStianization of the Central and Northern parts, and even prior to the Islamization of the Southern parts of the country — these Philippine kingdoms shared with its neighbori...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Simon Carrington Chamber Singers
group: Simon Carrington Chamber Singers

Mission The Simon Carrington Chamber Singers – a world-class choral music ensemble led by renowned artiStic director Simon Carrington – engages and enriches audiences through Concerts, recordings and educational programs. Background The Simon Car...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Mission The Simon Carrington Chamber Singers – a world-class choral music ensemble led by renowned artiStic director Simon Carrington – engages and enriches audiences through Concerts, recordings and educational programs. Background The Simon Carrington Chamber Singers (SCCS), led by artiStic director Simon Carrington, is a world class choral music ensemble based in Kansas City. The group was founded in 2008 by three of Carrington’s former Students who shared the desire to form an elite professional vocal chamber ensemble under his direction. SCCS, an ensemble of 24 Singers, performs a diverse and challenging repertoire that spans the ages. The group showcases a unique sound that reflects Carrington’s musical sensibilities: a clear, bright tone with a measured use of vibrato which allows a clear and expressive delivery of the text. SCCS is made up of top-tier choral Singers from across North America. Each year, the Singers meet for a week of intensive rehearsals that culminate in public Concerts in K...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

S visokoga neba j' došal (Burgenland Croats', arr. Klobučar) - "M. Marulić" High School Mixed Choir
video: S visokoga neba j' došal (Burgenland Croats', arr. Klobučar) - "M. Marulić" High School Mixed Choir

Recorded on December 21, 2015, in the Parish Church of the Annunciation in Supetar, Croatia. recording and production: Bernard Kahle -

Dance of the Sugar Plum Faries
video: Dance of the Sugar Plum Faries

From the 2011 MCHS ChriStmas Show, the Mixed Ensemble performing Dance of the Sugar Plumb Faries

Star Wars Concert - Duel of the Fates in Lisbon 2010
video: Star Wars Concert - Duel of the Fates in Lisbon 2010

Video recording of the Star Wars Concert was permitted at my show. Duel of the Fates is my favorite song from the Star Wars saga. Watching and hearing the music performed by Royal Philharmonic Concert OrcheStra and Coro Sinfónico Lisboa Cantat was amazin...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Video recording of the Star Wars Concert was permitted at my show. Duel of the Fates is my favorite song from the Star Wars saga. Watching and hearing the music performed by Royal Philharmonic Concert OrcheStra and Coro Sinfónico Lisboa Cantat was amazing. If I wasn't holding the camera, I would have been waving my lightsaber around. I get so hyped up hearing this.  

Gaudete (Michael Engelhardt) | The Girl Choir of South Florida
video: Gaudete (Michael Engelhardt) | The Girl Choir of South Florida

"Gaudete," anon. 16th century. Arranged by Michael Engelhardt - Recorded live on December 4, 2016, at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by the Concert Choir ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Flor...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">"Gaudete," anon. 16th century. Arranged by Michael Engelhardt - Recorded live on December 4, 2016, at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by the Concert Choir ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. ArtiStic Director: Lindsey Novitske, Percussion: Brad Peterson. Gaudete, gaudete! ChriStus eSt natus Ex Maria virgine, gaudete! Tempus adeSt gratiæ Hoc quod optabamus, Carmina lætitiæ Devote reddamus. Deus homo factus eSt Natura mirante, Mundus renovatus eSt A ChriSto regnante. Ezechielis porta Clausa pertransitur, Unde lux eSt orta Salus invenitur. Ergo noStra concio Psallat iam in luStro; Benedicat Domino: Salus Regi noStro. Rejoice, rejoice! ChriSt has born (Out) of the Virgin Mary – rejoice! The time of grace has come— what we have wished for, songs of joy Let us give back faithfully. God has become man, (With) nature marvelling, The world has been renewed By ChriSt (who is) reigning. The closed gate of...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less