493 results found
Seasons Of Love by BAVE Chamber Choir
BAVE Chamber Choir is part of the BAVE Community Choir. The choir is part of the Broadway Theater Society Malaysia's activity. For more information, log on to
Pokarekare Ana (New Zealand)
Famous New Zealand Love song. Pokarekare Ana was originally written in 1912 as a bid to win the heart of Paraire Henare Tomoana's beLoved, Kuini Ripeka Ryland. Paraire had fallen in Love with Kuini but her family refused to give their blessing to a marria... moreFamous New Zealand Love song. Pokarekare Ana was originally written in 1912 as a bid to win the heart of Paraire Henare Tomoana's beLoved, Kuini Ripeka Ryland. Paraire had fallen in Love with Kuini but her family refused to give their blessing to a marriage between the two. A Lovelorn Paraire composed Pokarekare Ana in which he vowed his eternal Love. He declared this passion by singing Pokarekare Ana at Te Poho-o-Rawiri Marae to Kuini in front of her Ngati Porou elders. The family was won over by his convincing performance and granted him their daughter's hand.
How placid are the ripples of restless Waiapu,
Dear they kNow of your returning,
from far across the sea.
Dear Heart of mine,
I'll wait for thee,
My Love is thine alone,
to eternity.
This outdoor performance was the culmination of a six-week project which creates a choir from scratch for one night only. Each winter and summer, Chris Rowbury gathers a random bunch of singers from in and around Ipswich. There are no auditions and all s... less
Wine and Water for three voices or male voice choir
Challenging but fun three part arrangement of my old song Wine and Water
(The original song can be Found on youtube at: )
Satirical poem by G K Chesterton
Do you Love to sing? Looking for New Choristers
Do you Love to sing? Cantores Celestes Maritimes, The Saint John Men's Chorus and conductor Kelly Galbraith are welcoming new choristers. The repertoire is chosen from the finest music from the 11th to 21st century That is inspiring and relevant. You will... moreDo you Love to sing? Cantores Celestes Maritimes, The Saint John Men's Chorus and conductor Kelly Galbraith are welcoming new choristers. The repertoire is chosen from the finest music from the 11th to 21st century That is inspiring and relevant. You will sing with some of Southern NB's finest musicians. An exciting 2023-2024 season planned! saintjohnmenschorus@gmail.comCantores Celestes Maritimes
Saint John Men's Chorus
Director Kelly Galbraith
Accompanist: Dr. Kevin Langford
Accompanist: Rebecca Burrill
Facebook: Cantores Celestes
Twitter: @Cantores_Choir
YouTube: Kelly Galbraith less
How Deep The Fathers Love - RJC Chorale & CMU
Rosthern Junior College Chorale and Canadian Mennonite University Chamber Choir in performance in April, 2009. This is a fabulous arrangment by Tony Funk of Stuart Townend's beautiful piece.
Weepin' Mary
for mixed choir (SATB)
for men's voices (ATBarB)
Based on an anonymous manuscript arrangement of this old spiritual, Found ... moreScores
for mixed choir (SATB)
for men's voices (ATBarB)
Based on an anonymous manuscript arrangement of this old spiritual, Found by a member of our singing group back in the 1990s.
Another member of our singing group (Jill Mitchell) wrote the words for the second verse.
This is my own performance (as the multitrack choir dwsChorale)
1. If there's anybody here like weepin' Mary
Call upon your Jesus and he'll draw nigh
If there's anybody here like weepin' Mary
Call upon your Jesus and he'll draw nigh
Oh glory, glory Hallelujah
Glory be to my God who rules on high
2. "They have stole away my Lord" said weepin' Mary
"And I kNow not where they have laid him down"
"Yes they've stole away my Lord" said weepin' Mary
"And I kNow not where they have laid him down"
"Oh Mary!" "Is it you Rabboni?"
Jesus here is risen and dies no more.
[Jill Mitchell] less
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling - Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Purchase "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling" from the album "Hymns of Faith II (Legacy Series)":
Deseret Book:
LDS Store:
The Mormon Tabernacl... morePurchase "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling" from the album "Hymns of Faith II (Legacy Series)":
Deseret Book:
LDS Store:
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir sings Mack Wilberg's arrangement of "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling" composed by Rowland Hugh Prichard with lyrics by Charles Wesley.
Episode 4386. October 6, 2013
Ponte Singers - 我有一個戀愛 (I Have a Love)
攝錄於2011年8月20日Ponte Singers 「聲.華」合唱音樂會
香港演藝學院賽馬會演藝劇場 HKAPA Amphitheatre
指揮: 林屴汧; 雙簧管: 關尚峰
Conducted by Stephen LAM; Oboe by KWAN Sheung Fung
Written by XU Zhimo (1897-1931), "I Have a Love" is a poem which expresses the appreciation and Love of the p... more攝錄於2011年8月20日Ponte Singers 「聲.華」合唱音樂會
香港演藝學院賽馬會演藝劇場 HKAPA Amphitheatre
指揮: 林屴汧; 雙簧管: 關尚峰
Conducted by Stephen LAM; Oboe by KWAN Sheung Fung
Written by XU Zhimo (1897-1931), "I Have a Love" is a poem which expresses the appreciation and Love of the poet towards stars in the sky. While the reality is harsh and full of challenges and pressure, the stars will be there as eternity, shining forever.
Bonner Jazzchor- Make you feel my Love
Der Bonner Jazzchor unter der Leitung von Sascha Cohn bei Jazz@Night im Rahmen des Deutschen Chorwettbewerbs 2014 in Weimar
Zweiter Preis in der Kategorie G1 (Populäre Chormusik a cappella)