Dear Ladies, We have news for you. Here is a fresh published score from PH Publisher. "Kyrie" is one of our well-known composer, Battista Pradal’s pieces. Besides being a composer Pradal is teacher of Piano, Composition and Harmony and a...
Dear All! The London based choir Chantage is during this autumn recording some of my most performed sacred music. You can read more about the project in the following link and I would be delighted if you would help support Chantage by order...
Jakarta Festival Chorus (Male Chorus), I August 2015, GKY Pluit.
Dear friends, we are inviting you to participate in 17th choir festival "Majske muzičke svečanosti" Bijeljina (Bosna i Hercegovina), from 10th until 14th of May 2018. The deadline for applications is until the 15th of April. Competitive part is splitted ...
This track from the Chandos Anthems by G. F. Handel was performed LIVE by the University Choir, KNUST - Kumasi at the Great Hall, KNUST on the 16th April, 2016.
Dear Fans of choral music! January is the time for re-start and New Year’s resolutions! We do not promise anything else to you, but in the way you always believed in: a great festive season full of exciting music programs. NEW: Find out about...
Praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise Him all creatures here below Praise Him above ye heavenly host Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Dear Choral Friends! Belated Happy Easter. Today, I want to gift you a moment of immense pleasure. Over the weekend, Garden Grove High School CSUF premiered "O Crux" SATB. VIDEO HERE It would be COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE to fully describe the incredi...
Dear friends of Choral Music, you are thrilled by the ideas and pieces of Ivan Yohan are just looking for a new “adventure”? Please have a look at "Pentatonic Hallelujah" for female voices, published by PH Publisher. Ivan Yoh...
Dear choral singers, Missing an event does not mean that you can1t join in another year. In 2017 meeting music gladly will be your host in Caorle/Venice, Italy for a great choral celebration. The competition with its wide range of categories li...