International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


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Shedrik, Shedrik (cantec cu rezonante siberiene) - Corul Sound
video: Shedrik, Shedrik (cantec cu rezonante siberiene) - Corul Sound

compozitor: Maikola Leontovici Corul Sound Dirjor: Voicu Popescu Pian: Camelia Chitibea Concert de colinde suStinut la Casa de Cultura a Studentilor, joi, 16 decembrie 2010 Cantec cu "rezonante siberiene"  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">compozitor: Maikola Leontovici Corul Sound Dirjor: Voicu Popescu Pian: Camelia Chitibea Concert de colinde suStinut la Casa de Cultura a Studentilor, joi, 16 decembrie 2010 Cantec cu "rezonante siberiene"  

When You Believe(The Prince of Egypt)- NTU Chorus & KMU Singers
video: When You Believe(The Prince of Egypt)- NTU Chorus & KMU Singers

指揮:連芳貝 / 雙鋼琴:陳丹怡、黃俞憲 / 小號:魏廷安 / 薩克斯風:李昆峰 / 打擊:簡任廷、簡任佑 performed by National Taiwan University Chorus & Kaohsiung Medical University Singers conducted by Fang-Pei Tracy Lien arranged by Eric Liu DreamWorks Animation/The Prince of Egypt

Gospelchor Rejoice, World Choir Games 2012, My soul's been anchored in the Lord - Moses Hogan
video: Gospelchor Rejoice, World Choir Games 2012, My soul's been anchored in the Lord - Moses Hogan

Der Gospelchor Rejoice nahm im Juli 2012 an dem größten internationalen Chorwettbewerb der Welt, den World Choir Games in Cincinnati/Ohio, teil. Der Gospelchor trat in den Kategorien Spiritual und Gospel an. Hier sehen Sie den Gospelchor Rejoice beim Wett...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Der Gospelchor Rejoice nahm im Juli 2012 an dem größten internationalen Chorwettbewerb der Welt, den World Choir Games in Cincinnati/Ohio, teil. Der Gospelchor trat in den Kategorien Spiritual und Gospel an. Hier sehen Sie den Gospelchor Rejoice beim Wettbewerb Spiritual mit dem Lied "My soul's been anchored in the Lord" von Moses Hogan. Der Gospelchor gewann in beiden Kategorien die Silbermedaille.  

Canto a Castilla - Coral Santiago Apostol (20-10-2012)
video: Canto a CaStilla - Coral Santiago ApoStol (20-10-2012)

"Canto a CaStilla". Juan Manuel Conejo Obra Obligada del Certamen VIII Certamen de Canción CaStellana "Villa de Fuensalida" 20 de octubre de 2012, auditorio municipal de Fuensalida Coral Santiago ApóStol de Casarrubuelos (Madrid) Director: Mariano Ga...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">"Canto a CaStilla". Juan Manuel Conejo Obra Obligada del Certamen VIII Certamen de Canción CaStellana "Villa de Fuensalida" 20 de octubre de 2012, auditorio municipal de Fuensalida Coral Santiago ApóStol de Casarrubuelos (Madrid) Director: Mariano García Sánchez Con eSta canción, la Coral Santiago ApóStol obtuvo el 1er pueSto del VIII Certamen de Canción CaStellana "Villa de Fuensalida"  

Besame mucho - Coral Santiago Apostol (20-12-2012)
video: Besame mucho - Coral Santiago ApoStol (20-12-2012)

"Bésame mucho". Consuelo Velázquez, arreglo: José Galván VIII Certamen de Canción CaStellana "Villa de Fuensalida" 20 de octubre de 2012, auditorio municipal de Fuensalida Coral Santiago ApóStol de Casarrubuelos (Madrid) Director: Mariano García Sánch...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">"Bésame mucho". Consuelo Velázquez, arreglo: José Galván VIII Certamen de Canción CaStellana "Villa de Fuensalida" 20 de octubre de 2012, auditorio municipal de Fuensalida Coral Santiago ApóStol de Casarrubuelos (Madrid) Director: Mariano García Sánchez Con eSta canción, la Coral Santiago ApóStol obtuvo el 1er pueSto del VIII Certamen de Canción CaStellana "Villa de Fuensalida"  

Sinirangan Chamber Singers: Dinumdum Ko Ikaw (Arr. Stephen Q. Lagarde)
video: Sinirangan Chamber Singers: Dinumdum Ko Ikaw (Arr. Stephen Q. Lagarde)

DINUMDUM KO IKAW (I Remember You) Lyrics by Illuminado Lucente Arranged by Stephen Q. Lagarde Sinirangan Chamber Singers Mary Jeane Egloso, conductor Soprano Margaux Ricafort Giselle Janna Joyce Morcilla Joylly Ann Plaza Lutheshane Luciano ...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">DINUMDUM KO IKAW (I Remember You) Lyrics by Illuminado Lucente Arranged by Stephen Q. Lagarde Sinirangan Chamber Singers Mary Jeane Egloso, conductor Soprano Margaux Ricafort Giselle Janna Joyce Morcilla Joylly Ann Plaza Lutheshane Luciano Bliss Rue Camino Alto Angelle Bahin Fiona Vichelle Obon Rian Maurice Lagahit Zharina CaStillo Abigail Trisha Maga Tenor Daniel TriSte Jefferson Cabatana Matthew Carl Waniwan Paul Joseph Badiola Nette Anthony Romero Bass Almar Jude Baleros Boyete Lord Arcayos John Mark Esperas Alvin Alvarez Patrick Pol Mapula Wendell Lee Afable Kent Isaiah Cernal Sound Engineer: Aji Manalo of AcouStic Underground Recording Studio Video Editor: Khrizer Malibago and John Mark Esperas Production Team: Alvin Alvarez, Angelle Bahin, and John Mark Esperas Executive Producer: Stephen Q. Lagarde  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less


International FeStival de Musica de Cantonigros 2012 (Spain)

2012 Contest
group_photo: 2012 ConteSt

Only half the full chorus was available but we competed anyway.

Who Is Silvia? | The Girl Choir of South Florida
video: Who Is Silvia? | The Girl Choir of South Florida

"Who Is Silvia?" by Mary Carmichael. Text from "Two Gentlemen of Vernoa" by William Shakespeare. Recorded live on Sunday, May 5, 2013, at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by the Concert Choir ensemble of the Girl Choir...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">"Who Is Silvia?" by Mary Carmichael. Text from "Two Gentlemen of Vernoa" by William Shakespeare. Recorded live on Sunday, May 5, 2013, at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by the Concert Choir ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. ArtiStic Director: Wallis Peterson, AccompaniSt: Gayle Giese. Who is Silvia? what is she, That all our swains commend her? Holy, fair, and wise is she; The heaven such grace did lend her, That she might admirèd be. Is she kind as she is fair? For beauty lives with kindness. Love doth to her eyes repair, To help him of his blindness; And, being helped, inhabits there. Then to Silvia let us sing, That Silvia is excelling; She excels each mortal thing Upon the dull earth dwelling; To her let us garlands bring  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

CSUF Concert Choir
group: CSUF Concert Choir

The California State University, Fullerton Concert Choir, directed by ChriStopher Peterson, is a 74-voice auditioned, mixed ensemble comprised primarily of Students Studying voice in the School of Music. The Concert Choir gives a number of performances in...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The California State University, Fullerton Concert Choir, directed by ChriStopher Peterson, is a 74-voice auditioned, mixed ensemble comprised primarily of Students Studying voice in the School of Music. The Concert Choir gives a number of performances in Southern California every year, and has also toured in Canada, Hawaii, Europe, and the United States. The Concert Choir performs a variety of accompanied and unaccompanied repertoire, and collaborates annually with the CSUF University Singers to present performances of choral-orcheStral maSterworks. They have joined the University Singers in performances with the Hollywood Bowl OrcheStra and the Pacific Symphony OrcheStra. For the paSt four years they have represented CSUF at the Pacific SouthweSt Intercollegiate Choral Association FeStival of Choirs. A major mission of the Concert Choir is to sing and perform traditional as well as new choral music at the higheSt artiStic levels, and to communicate to their audiences through compelling and musical performances...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less