International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


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blog: RegiSter by April 1St as an EARLY BIRD for the 2017 Melbourne International Singers FeStival

Over the Queen’s Birthday Weekend, 8 - 12 June. Join us for an unforgettable weekend of musical experiences including............ WORKHOPS & ConcertS GALORE – MISF 2017 will see a new range of musical opportunities for Singers and choirs to w...

Stellenbosch University Choir at the 2012 World Choir Games
video: Stellenbosch University Choir at the 2012 World Choir Games

Stellenbosch University Choir, conducted by world renowned André van der Merwe, was recently crowned as Champions of the 2012 World Choir Games in the categories Musica Sacra and Mixed Choirs. They shared their music with choirs from around the world. Thi...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Stellenbosch University Choir, conducted by world renowned André van der Merwe, was recently crowned as Champions of the 2012 World Choir Games in the categories Musica Sacra and Mixed Choirs. They shared their music with choirs from around the world. This video encapsulates the journey.  

Hope is the thing with feathers | The Girl Choir of South Florida
video: Hope is the thing with feathers | The Girl Choir of South Florida

"Hope is the thing with feathers," No. 1 from "Hope Is the Thing" by Emma Lou Diemer. Text by Emily Dickinson. Recorded live on May 3, 2015, at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by the Chamber Singers ensemble of the Gi...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">"Hope is the thing with feathers," No. 1 from "Hope Is the Thing" by Emma Lou Diemer. Text by Emily Dickinson. Recorded live on May 3, 2015, at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by the Chamber Singers ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. ArtiStic Director: Wallis Peterson, AccompaniSt: Gayle Giese. “Hope” is the thing with feathers - That perches in the soul - And sings the tune without the words - And never Stops - at all - And sweeteSt - in the Gale - is heard - And sore muSt be the Storm - That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm - I’ve heard it in the chilleSt land - And on the StrangeSt Sea - Yet - never - in Extremity, It asked a crumb - of me.  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

VocaVoice - I'll Be Home For Christmas
video: VocaVoice - I'll Be Home For ChriStmas

VocaVoice from the very impressive performance!! KoriStler/ChoriSter's Sop: Ayça ÖZGÜN Beyza Dilara TEKELİ Cemre EĞİLMEZ Hatun SEZGİN Şule İdil AYDIN Alt: Aslı ...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">VocaVoice from the very impressive performance!! KoriStler/ChoriSter's Sop: Ayça ÖZGÜN Beyza Dilara TEKELİ Cemre EĞİLMEZ Hatun SEZGİN Şule İdil AYDIN Alt: Aslı CENGİZ Burçin YAŞMUT Büşra Nur ÜĞÜTEN Damla CENGİZ Gülay ÇETİN Tuğçe YILDIRIM Ten: Eray DEMİRAL Erman AYDIN Fuat LAFCI Halilcem GÜDEK MuStafa Ozan TÜRKOĞLU Bas: Caner YERLİ Emrah KÜÇÜKCANBAZ Oğulcan BERBER Tolgahan TOPÇU Uğur Can TURMUŞ  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Hodie Christus Natus Est & The Rose - Coral Santiago Apóstol (16-12-2012)
video: Hodie ChriStus Natus ESt & The Rose - Coral Santiago ApóStol (16-12-2012)

"Hodie ChriStus Natus ESt", ant. gregoriana "The Rose", de Amanda McBroom Adaptación de Mariano García CORAL SANTIAGO APOStOL de Casarrubuelos SoliStas: Pilar Dios y Mónica Viñuela Director: Mariano García X ENCUENTRO CORAL DE ALMOROX Iglesia d...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">"Hodie ChriStus Natus ESt", ant. gregoriana "The Rose", de Amanda McBroom Adaptación de Mariano García CORAL SANTIAGO APOStOL de Casarrubuelos SoliStas: Pilar Dios y Mónica Viñuela Director: Mariano García X ENCUENTRO CORAL DE ALMOROX Iglesia de San CriStóbal Almorox, Toledo 16 de diciembre de 2012  

Cowbridge Food Festival Montage
video: Cowbridge Food FeStival Montage

A montage of clips from a Concert given by Cefn Hengoed Ladies Choir at the Church of the Holy Cross as part of the Cowbridge Food and Drink FeStival 24 May 2015: songs include Fever, Cantilena, Dream a Little Dream, The Lord is my Shepherd, Adiemus, All ...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">A montage of clips from a Concert given by Cefn Hengoed Ladies Choir at the Church of the Holy Cross as part of the Cowbridge Food and Drink FeStival 24 May 2015: songs include Fever, Cantilena, Dream a Little Dream, The Lord is my Shepherd, Adiemus, All that Jazz, The Water of Tyne and the Rhythm of Life  

blog: London City Singers Open Evening

In order to drive up our membership numbers and create more awareness of our craft, London City Singers is having an open evening where women of all ages an opportunity to discover a cappella four part harmony singing. It will be on 13 September 2011, Tue...

Byrd: Justorum animae sung by St Peter's Singers of Leeds - Arta, Mallorca Choir Tour 2013
video: Byrd: JuStorum animae sung by St Peter's Singers of Leeds - Arta, Mallorca Choir Tour 2013

This video clip was taken during St Peter's Singers of Leeds' recital of sacred choral music given on Monday 28th October 2013 at the magnificent Iglesia Parroquial de Transfiguracio del Senyor, Arta as part of the choir's 2013 Tour of Mallorca. The Sin...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">This video clip was taken during St Peter's Singers of Leeds' recital of sacred choral music given on Monday 28th October 2013 at the magnificent Iglesia Parroquial de Transfiguracio del Senyor, Arta as part of the choir's 2013 Tour of Mallorca. The Singers are directed by Alan Horsey and the organiSt is David Houlder. More information about St Peter's Singers, including details of forthcoming Concerts, recitals and liturgical performances, may be found on the Singers' website: on the Facebook page 'St Peter's Singers of Leeds': You can also follow the Singers on Twitter @SPSLeeds  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Britten: A Hymn to the Virgin sung by St Peter's Singers of Leeds - Arta, Mallorca Choir Tour 2013
video: Britten: A Hymn to the Virgin sung by St Peter's Singers of Leeds - Arta, Mallorca Choir Tour 2013

This video clip was taken during St Peter's Singers of Leeds' recital of sacred choral music given on Monday 28th October 2013 at the magnificent Iglesia Parroquial de Transfiguracio del Senyor, Arta as part of the choir's 2013 Tour of Mallorca. The Sin...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">This video clip was taken during St Peter's Singers of Leeds' recital of sacred choral music given on Monday 28th October 2013 at the magnificent Iglesia Parroquial de Transfiguracio del Senyor, Arta as part of the choir's 2013 Tour of Mallorca. The Singers are directed by Alan Horsey and the organiSt is David Houlder. More information about St Peter's Singers, including details of forthcoming Concerts, recitals and liturgical performances, may be found on the Singers' website: on the Facebook page 'St Peter's Singers of Leeds': You can also follow the Singers on Twitter @SPSLeeds  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Gospelchor Rejoice, World Choir Games 2012, Soon I will be done - Mark Haves
video: Gospelchor Rejoice, World Choir Games 2012, Soon I will be done - Mark Haves

Der Gospelchor Rejoice nahm im Juli 2012 an dem größten internationalen Chorwettbewerb der Welt, den World Choir Games in Cincinnati/Ohio, teil. Der Gospelchor trat in den Kategorien Spiritual und Gospel an. Hier sehen Sie den Gospelchor Rejoice beim Wett...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Der Gospelchor Rejoice nahm im Juli 2012 an dem größten internationalen Chorwettbewerb der Welt, den World Choir Games in Cincinnati/Ohio, teil. Der Gospelchor trat in den Kategorien Spiritual und Gospel an. Hier sehen Sie den Gospelchor Rejoice beim Wettbewerb Spiritual mit dem Lied "Soon I will be done" von Mark Haves. Der Gospelchor gewann in beiden Kategorien die Silbermedaille.