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Coropop di Salerno
Il Coropop di Salerno comincia la sua attività nel 2015 per iniziativa dell’Associazione Astronomia Corale che, nata nel medesimo anno, tiene unito lo stesso gruppo – coristi e maestro – il quale dal 2006 al 2014 ha condotto la meravigliosa esperienza del... moreIl Coropop di Salerno comincia la sua attività nel 2015 per iniziativa dell’Associazione Astronomia Corale che, nata nel medesimo anno, tiene unito lo stesso gruppo – coristi e maestro – il quale dal 2006 al 2014 ha condotto la meravigliosa esperienza del Coro pop dell’Università degli Studi di Salerno, formazione che ha raccolto unanimi consensi sul piano musicale locale e nazionale.
Sin dalla sua fondazione, il coro è diretto dal Maestro Ciro Caravano, noto al pubblico come uno dei cantanti, ma anche produttore, arrangiatore e direttore del gruppo vocale Neri per Caso nonché direttore musicale del cantante Mario Biondi.
Il gruppo esegue brani celebri di musica leggera italiana ed internazionale, appositamente rivisti e riarrangiati dallo stesso direttore, in chiave “a cappella” in modo da esaltarne l’originalità dei motivi e la ricchezza dell’armonia attraverso nuove chiavi di lettura e un pizzico di ironia, che è poi uno dei tratti distintivi di questa esuberante formazione musicale. Il Coropop è composto ... less
Learn To Let You Go - Arr. Steven Webb
Mar. 15, 2014
Soloist: Joshua Enns
Guitar: Walker Rambo
Central PA Youth Barbershop Harmony
The Central PA youth Barbershop harmony is a youth outreach effort of the Hershey,PA Chapter. Please contact Parkside Harmony at our website and we would be glad to help you.
Carmina Slovenica is a production house covering a variety of activities. These include the production of concerts and stage projects, festivals, publishing and education programs.
Carmina Slovenica with its artistic director Karmina Šilec is noted for... moreCarmina Slovenica is a production house covering a variety of activities. These include the production of concerts and stage projects, festivals, publishing and education programs.
Carmina Slovenica with its artistic director Karmina Šilec is noted for its innovative programming which explores works from the forefronts of the contemporary music scene. With “Choregie - vocal theatre” and its innovative interventions ensemble Carmina Slovenica has opened wider artistic spaces and set trends towards complex multi-media events – productions, performed on stages worldwide.
PERFORMERS: Concert choir Carmina Slovenica, Ensemble ¡Kebataola!,Vocal Theatre Carmina Slovenica
CARMINA ATTACCA: International festival, Concert cycle, Residence programme
PUBLISHING CS: DVD and CD, ordering of new work, music editions and professional publications
EDUCATION: School of singing CS – Solo singing department, Secunde CS, Junior CS, Children choir PU; workshops, seminars, lectures
CARMINA CHOREGIE (coproduction): In... less
The Tower Chorale
Established in 1986 by Jim Winfield, former Associate Director of the Chicago Symphony Chorus, the Tower Chorale has built a reputation of being one of the finest community choruses in the Midwest. There are three main concerts during the season, typical... moreEstablished in 1986 by Jim Winfield, former Associate Director of the Chicago Symphony Chorus, the Tower Chorale has built a reputation of being one of the finest community choruses in the Midwest. There are three main concerts during the season, typically consisting of Holiday, Classical and pops music, each performed twice.
Are you a singer dedicated to the art of choral music? Do you have other musical or singing experience, recent or years ago, and you wish to join a symphonic choral group that will challenge, delight, and satisfy you musically?
Whether your most recent choral singing experience was in school, church choir, or with other professional-level volunteer choral groups, you are likely to find a fit with the Tower Chorale. Our members have experience singing in many local church choirs, notable volunteer and semi-professional choirs or operatic ensembles based in downtown Chicago, and other premier choral groups from cities and communities across the country. A desire to create beautiful mu... less
Octavia Cantorum
Ésta Agrupación Coral se forma hace 7 años por inquietud de su director el Lcdo. Luis Oquendo y su esposa Pilar León de Oquendo, de querer llevar música Coral de alto nivel a todos los espacios, entornos y estratos posibles, comenzando con un grupo de fam... moreÉsta Agrupación Coral se forma hace 7 años por inquietud de su director el Lcdo. Luis Oquendo y su esposa Pilar León de Oquendo, de querer llevar música Coral de alto nivel a todos los espacios, entornos y estratos posibles, comenzando con un grupo de familiares y amigos músicos haciendo un número total de 8 integrantes, de allí su nombre: Octavia Cantorum o lo que es igual al español: Ocho Cantando. Con el tiempo, ésta agrupación tuvo la necesidad de ir creciendo porque las exigencias del repertorio así lo requería, actualmente cuenta con más integrantes de diferentes profesiones la cual comparten con la pasión por la música. Desde su formación hasta el día de hoy Octavia Cantorum ha participado de diversos encuentros y festivales corales en la región tales como UN CANTO EN PASCUA, ENCUENTRO CORAL URBE, ENCUENTRO CORAL CORBANCA, TUVIMOS UNA PARTICIPACIÓN ESPECIAL CON LA AGRUPACIÓN ONE VOICES y el más reciente fue un concierto realizado por la coral donde tuvimos la participación de músicos reconocidos de la reg... less