International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


6,463 results found
Anuna : Whispers of Paradise
video: Anuna : Whispers of Paradise

From the Anúna album "Sensation", and written by Michael McGlynn. Filmed in Wicklow and Co. Monaghan on a Sony HDR FX1.

Anúna : Siosúram Só
video: Anúna : Siosúram Só

Download from iTunes Anúna live at the National Concert HAll, July 2012. Sheet music, by Michael McGlynn, available from

The Little Road to Bethlehem Sunday 12 2 2018
video: The Little Road to Bethlehem Sunday 12 2 2018

"The Little Road to Bethlehem" Music by Michael Head, Lyrics by Princess Margaret Rose Sunday, 12/2/19 Congregational Church of Batavia, IL

Oh my luve's like a red, red rose - James Mulholland
video: Oh my luve's like a red, red rose - James Mulholland

【來自西灣的樂音】音樂會 2007/5/30 國立中山大學逸仙館 客席指揮: Jo-Michael Scheibe 美國作曲家慕禾倫(James Quitman Mulholland, 1935-) 12歲起開始學習作曲、唱歌、鋼琴,及各樣樂器。於 印地安那州立大學完成博士學位,他的合唱作品在近四年的美國合唱指揮協會(ACDA)全國大會中演出,使得他 的作品在二十世紀廣受歡迎。委託創作遍及加拿大、澳洲、紐西蘭,與歐洲。 慕禾倫以和聲式織體為主創作成混聲四部合唱曲,橫向主題旋律線條優美,縱...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">【來自西灣的樂音】音樂會 2007/5/30 國立中山大學逸仙館 客席指揮: Jo-Michael Scheibe 美國作曲家慕禾倫(James Quitman Mulholland, 1935-) 12歲起開始學習作曲、唱歌、鋼琴,及各樣樂器。於 印地安那州立大學完成博士學位,他的合唱作品在近四年的美國合唱指揮協會(ACDA)全國大會中演出,使得他 的作品在二十世紀廣受歡迎。委託創作遍及加拿大、澳洲、紐西蘭,與歐洲。 慕禾倫以和聲式織體為主創作成混聲四部合唱曲,橫向主題旋律線條優美,縱向的和聲更為作曲家所重視, 製造豐富的色彩,鋼琴伴奏支撐著合唱,兩者密不可分,全曲以力度層次呈現出既細緻又濃厚的情感。 Oh my luve's like a red,red rose, That's newly,sprung in June. O my luve's like the melodie, That's sweetly played in tune. As fair art thou my bonnie lass, So deep in luve am I. I will luve thee Still,my dear, Till All the seas gang dry. I will luve thee Still,my dear, While the sands of life shAll run, Till All the seas gang dry,my dear, and rocks melt with the sun. As fair art thou my bonnie lass, So deep in luve am I. I will come again,my luve, Though it were ten thousand mile。 我的愛人像一朵紅玫瑰, 六月裡初綻芳香。 我的愛人像一首旋律, 如此的甜美動聽。 妳是如此美麗,我的小姑娘, 我是如此深愛著妳。 我愛妳永不渝,親愛的, 儘管海水已枯乾。 我仍深愛妳不渝,親愛的; 儘管生命的沙漏落不停, 儘管海水已枯乾, 儘管石頭隨烈日消融, 妳是如此美麗,我的小姑娘, 我是如此深愛著妳。 我將回到妳的身邊,我的愛人, 儘管是相距千萬里。  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Anuna : Fionnghuala
video: Anuna : Fionnghuala

Anuna performing `Fionnghuala` from the live DVD `Celtic Origins`. SHEET MUSIC available from arranged by Michael McGlynn. Solo John McGlynn.

blog: Singing is for life, not juSt for ChriStmas

[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   “Hark the herald angels sing”. A FeStival of Nine Lessons and Carols from King’s College, Cambridge. Slade’s “Merry ChriStma...

Anuna : Ríu Ríu
video: Anuna : Ríu Ríu

Anúna perform this beautiful Spanish Carol from the 16th century. arranged by Michael McGlynn. From "Anúna : Celtic Origins" available from

Downstream (2023)
video: DownStream (2023)

Zachary J. Moore, director, and composer Stephen F. AuStin State University A Cappella Choir Dr. Michael Murphy, conductor

Anuna : Innisfree
video: Anuna : Innisfree

Download from iTunes here : Music by Michael McGlynn, text by W.B. Yeats. Sheet music available from

Miserere miseris
video: Miserere miseris

Miserere miseris - from the Dublin Troper, c. 1360, arranged Michael McGlynn - The Waldorf Students Choir, conductor: László Bencze. Recorded on 20. 06. 2015. on The Night of Museums in the Hungarian National GAllery BudapeSt