The Salt Lake Vocal Artists perform "AVE Virgo Sanctissima" by David Azurza live in concert on November 1, 2010 in la iglesia de San Francisco, Tolosa, Spain, under the direction of Dr. Brady Allred. The Vocal Artists were grateful to be able to acknowle... more
Recorded at the church of St Vedast Alias Foster, City of London, 25th April 2015. Directed by James DAVEy.
Franz XAVEr Biebel (1906–2001): AVE MARIA (Angelus Domini) (antifona) Regijsko tekmovanje odraslih pevskih zasedb Gorenjske v Škofji Loki; november 2015
Premier by the Rose Ensemble at the Basilica of St. Mary, Minneapolis.
AVE María (Angelus Domini) - Franz Xavier Biebl Version del Coral de Camara de Rosario bajo la direccion de Elio Alejandro Allegra durante el conicierto "Sacræ Cantiones" - 10 de Diciembre de 2009 - Bolsa de Comercio de Rosario.
For Mixt Choir, five voices. Video realized in Rome, 2103 December 6, at Basilica di San Vitale during the VII INTERNATIONAL CHORUS INSIDE FESTIVAL. M° Fabio D'Orazio, Director
Available through Santa Barbara Music Publishing. Sheet Music:
The Graduate Choir NZ performs "AVE Maria" by Chris Artley (b. 1963). --- Chris Artley: --- The Graduate Choir NZ Director of Music: Terence Maskell http://www.f... more
1° Grand Prix di Musica Corale - Saint Vincent - Valle d'Aosta - 22/24 Settembre 2011 Fase Eliminatoria
Cyngerdd Nadolig CF1. 2 Rhagfyr 2012 Y Deml Heddwch, Caerdydd