SCHOLA Cantorum of Santa Fe is referred to locally as 'Santa Fe's Sacred Music Ensemble'. Visit SCHOLA's YouTube channel for a taste of SCHOLA: more
Thomas Aquinas writes in the Summa Theologica: "Music is the exaltation of the mind derived from things eternal, bursting forth in sound." The quotation most aptly describes the repertoire on the Norwegian chamber choir Schola Cantorum's recording of hymn... more
2009夏季音樂會 世界拼圖(唱遊世界.傾聽台灣) 2009/6/7 高雄市文化中心至德堂 指揮: 翁佳芬 Loch Lomond 羅莽湖畔 arr. R. Vaughan Williams 蘇格蘭民謠 這首離情依依的蘇格蘭民謠,由作曲家佛漢‧威廉士(R.Vaughan Williams, 1872 - 1958)編寫為無伴奏的混聲四部合唱曲。佛漢‧威廉士是英國交響曲、室內樂、歌劇、合唱音樂和電影配樂作曲家,亦是英國民歌的採集者。全曲描寫著即將遠行的情人與少女,在羅莽湖畔道別的... more
2009夏季音樂會 世界拼圖(唱遊世界.傾聽台灣) 2009/6/7 高雄市文化中心至德堂 指揮: 翁佳芬 Hava Nageela 齊來歡樂 arr. Maurice Goldman 以色列民謠 本曲為以色列民謠,是猶太人流亡保留下來的民謠中,經常被吟唱的歌曲,亦可配合傳統舞蹈演出。哥德曼(Maurice Goldman, 1910-84)是美籍猶太裔作曲家,不論作曲或編曲皆以希伯來音樂為主,手法融合現代美國古典、爵士及民謠風格。哥德曼將此曲編為附有鋼琴伴奏的混聲四部合唱曲,... more
Inspira performs "Shine Your Way" by Owl City at their "A Light in the Dark (2014)" concert. Nick Turnbull, Music Director | Eden Hildebrand, Dance Director.
The Merbecke Choir is Southwark Cathedral's voluntary choir for young men and women with good sight-reading skills and a creative approach to singing. It offers a unique opportunity for singers to take part in cathedral services (notably the Cathedral'... more
AcademicChoir of the National radio company of Ukraine is one of the most authoritative choral collectives of Ukraine. It was founded in 1932 and belongs to major choral tradition with a great history and universal repertoire. Glorious history of the Cho... more
Remember Not, Lord, Our Offences Henry Purcell A Midsummer Evening with Noctis June 21st 2014 Roper Theatre, West Wing, Bath, UK
VOX Cape Town, the city’s most inNovative choral collective, spans musical history in its focus on a cappella works, oratorios and local compositions to enrich the musical life of Cape Town. VOX intends to invigorate local choral music through imaginative... more
Te Deum chamber Choir Live performance, May 25, 2019 Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Kansas City, Missouri Sopranos: Katherine Dick, Julianna Fox, Rupal Gupta, Nicole Murray, Victoria Olson, Sydney Seratte, Sarah Sheldon... more