Mistango Choir Festival


6,921 results found
O Jesu Christe -- Jacquet de Berchem -  The Stairwell Carollers, Ottawa.
video: O Jesu Christe -- Jacquet de Berchem - The Stairwell Carollers, Ottawa.

Ottawa choir, The Stairwell Carollers, perform "O Jesu Christe" by Jacquet de Berchem (also known as Giachet(to) Berchem or Jakob van Berchem; (c. 1505 -- 1567), a Franco-Flemish composer of the Renaissance. Buy our CDs!!! This version of "O Jesu Christe...  more

Dietrich Buxtehude - Membra Jesu Nostri
video: Dietrich Buxtehude - Membra Jesu Nostri

Guida all'ascolto e testi dell'opera al seguente link http://www.santateresadeimaschi.it/d-buxtheude-membra-jesu-nostri-guida-allascolto-dellopera/ ENSEMBLE VOCALE FLORILEGIUM VOCIS Elsa Gianfreda*, Anna Giordano*, Giusi Bottalico, Maria Silecc...  more

Adeste fideles - CSA (11-12-2011)
video: Adeste fideles - CSA (11-12-2011)

Adeste Fideles, de John Reading Concierto de Navidad en el Monasterio de Santa María de El Paular, Rascafría, Madrid Coral Santiago Apóstol de Casarrubuelos Solista gospel: Pilar Dios Dúo soprano-contralto: Bianca Pita y Araceli Pompa Director: Mariano García

L. Marenzio - Ma per me lasso - Ensemble Vocale Mousiké - dir. Luca Scaccabarozzi
video: L. Marenzio - Ma per me lasso - Ensemble Vocale Mousiké - dir. Luca Scaccabarozzi

Registrazione Live dal concerto "Festival Musicisti del mondo per il centro Italia" 28.05.2017, Siziano (PV), Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta in Campomorto Registrazione audio live a cura di Vittorio Villa Contatti: http://ensemblevocalemousike.weeb...  more

Os Justi, Bruckner, Coral Santiago Apostol
video: Os Justi, Bruckner, Coral Santiago Apostol

"Os Justi", Anton Bruckner Coral Santiago Apóstol Mariano García, director "PASIÓN", Ciclo de música sacra Grabado en la Parroquia Santa María Magdalena de Ciempozuelos (Madrid) el 18 de marzo de 2018 ----- ...  more

group: MCHS Men's Ensemble

The MCHS Men's Ensemble is a group of no more than 12 young men who rehearse and perform with the Memorial,Composite High School Music Department. This group of young men are known for their high energy performances of many different styles of music.

The Gate of Purgatory by Joe Dillon Ford sung by David Warin Solomons
video: The Gate of Purgatory by Joe Dillon ford sung by David Warin Solomons

The second of three movements by composer Joseph Dillon ford for male chorus, based on Dante's The Divine Comedy (L'inferno), sung by the dwsChorale. Video recreated in honour of the composer Vidi una porta, e tre gradi di sotto per gire ad essa, di ...  more

Ensemble In Contrà, Bargi 3.8.2018 3/8 "Tristis est anima mea"
video: Ensemble In Contrà, Bargi 3.8.2018 3/8 "Tristis est anima mea"

Marc'Antonio Ingegneri (1536/1592): Tristis est anima mea Ensemble In Contrà Soli: Alessia Bongiorno, Silvia Tubiana, Silvia Zaccarin direttore: Roberto Brisotto Live recording 3.8.2018 Chiesa di San Giacomo - Bargi (Camugnano) - BO Festival "Voci...  more

Sancta María Sucurre Miseris. Coro Voces Blancas del Conservatorio Valle del Nalón y Andreas Prittwi
video: Sancta María Sucurre Miseris. Coro Voces Blancas del Conservatorio Valle del Nalón y Andreas Prittwi

Gala Solidaria en el Teatro de la Laboral de Gijón, 16 y 17 de marzo de 2013 Andreas Prittwitz, Coro de Voces Blancas del Conservatorio Valle del Nalón

PZM Josip Kaplan - Circle of Life
video: PZM Josip Kaplan - Circle of Life

Singing Circle of Life from the motion picture Lion King, live on the show Do posljednjeg zbora (Croatian version of the Battle of the choirs)...