International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


6,464 results found
The Flint Ladies' Choir
group: The Flint Ladies' Choir

Since our firSt practice on 14 February 2013 the Choir has grown to over 80 members with around 60 attending each Thursday.

blog: Does your Choir respond to where it's based?

[this is a version of a poSt which firSt appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   I lived in Coventry in the Midlands of the UK for almoSt 13 years (gosh, doesn’t time fly!), although I’m originAlly from South London. In 2010...

blog: Ask queStions – your Choir leader (probably) won’t bite!

[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   When I was a Student, I’d sit in lectures scribbling down everything that the lecturer wrote on the board. Like moSt people there, I underStood...

Khreschatyk Choir Entry of the Gladiators Julius Fučík
video: Khreschatyk Choir Entry of the Gladiators Julius Fučík

Виконує – Академічний камерний хор «Хрещатик» Диригент – Павло Струць, Аранжування – Євген Петреченко, Режисер-постановник – Анастасія Гнатюк, Хореограф-постановник – Олена Столярова, Оператор, монтаж – Віктор Бондаренко.

blog: How to deal with Choir members who are always late

[A version of this article firSt appeared as a poSt on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   It’s the final rehearsal before your big concert. The warm up is over and everyone is ready to go. But a handful of singers (the usual suspects...

blog: Are you looking to participate in an exclusive experience for your SSAA Choir?

Greetings to All SSAA Choirs and conductors,   Are you on the lookout for an extraordinary piece that will elevate your Choir's repertoire and leave an indelible mark on your audience? As a composer deeply passionate about choral music, I've always...

Bismarck State College Concert Choir
group: Bismarck State College Concert Choir

The Bismarck State College Concert Choir is a 50 voice non-audition mixed collegiate Choir that performs medium to advanced choral literature. Primary goals are to obtain a Strong foundational choral training and raise the Standard of non-audition Choirs ...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Bismarck State College Concert Choir is a 50 voice non-audition mixed collegiate Choir that performs medium to advanced choral literature. Primary goals are to obtain a Strong foundational choral training and raise the Standard of non-audition Choirs to the level of auditioned 4-yr collegiate Choirs.  

Rheinberger - Kyrie
video: Rheinberger - Kyrie

Exultate Chamber Choir performs the Kyrie from Josef Rheinberger's Mass in E flat Opus 109

Pilgrim Mission Choir "viadoro - Manolo da Rold"
video: Pilgrim Mission Choir "viadoro - Manolo da Rold"

28.7.2012 kolobrzeg in Poland, Pilgrim Mission Choir MaeStro Jae-joon, Lee

TRIBUTE to Maestro Eric Ericson; World Youth Choir 2012
video: TRIBUTE to MaeStro Eric Ericson; World Youth Choir 2012

The Foundation World Youth Choir, All rights reserved Performer: World Youth Choir, 2012 session in Cyprus (61 singer from 34 countries) Tribute to MaeStro Eric Ericson Piece: Arr.H.Alfven "Och jungfrun hon gar i ringen" (encore) Conductor: Ceci...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Foundation World Youth Choir, All rights reserved Performer: World Youth Choir, 2012 session in Cyprus (61 singer from 34 countries) Tribute to MaeStro Eric Ericson Piece: Arr.H.Alfven "Och jungfrun hon gar i ringen" (encore) Conductor: Cecilia Rydinger Alin, Sweden Recorded at the Sea Museum, Ayia Napa, Cyprus 19.08.2012. The World Youth Choir session 2012 was held in Cyprus from AuguSt 7th to September 1St, 2012 thanks to the cooperation between the Foundation World Youth Choir and the Cyprus Symphony OrcheStra Foundation - Cyprus Youth Symphony OrcheStra, supported by the MiniStry of culture and education - Cyprus presidency of the European Union (cultural events in 2012). The World Youth Choir had a chance to perform a cappella and vocal-inStrumental repertoire touring Cyprus.  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less