International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


2,353 results found
Asociación Musical CORO "SANTA MARÍA"
group: Asociación Musical CORO "SANTA MARÍA"

We are a Choir of very friendly people, with great musical experience, a great desire to make good music, with a very wide repertoire and many concerts offered. Come meet us!!

blog: Foods to help your singing voice

It isn’t a myth that what you eat can affect your vocal chords. Many noted professional Singers will follow special diets or exclude certain foods from their diet before they go into competition or concert.   Singing in a choir shou...

blog: The Secret of Life: Uniting the world to convey a message.

The virtual choir of "The secret of life" is an Argentine project that will involve 123 Singers from 19 countries to celebrate the love towards life through singing. In this way we hope to spread the message of living with determination being authent...

Zoom Into Christmas
video: Zoom Into Christmas

We very much hope that you enjoy our first ever virtual concert. We are sad that we are currently unable to stage live concerts and engage professional musicians to play with us. These musicians, who are largely self-employed, have been especially hard ...  more

Våren (Last Spring) 春天 by Edvard Grieg
video: Våren (Last Spring) 春天 by Edvard Grieg

2013.5.20 北歐音畫夏季音樂會 2 大東文化藝術中心演藝廳 指揮: 科勒.漢肯 Kåre Hanken


we are Accra based choral group whose aim is to spread the good news through music. we are open to all occasions and ready to travel to all part of the world

blog: Rescheduling Melbourne International Singers Festival to August 2021

As Melbourne is currently in lockdown due to the COVID 19 pandemic we have re-scheduled our #MISF21 program at The Dock to the weekend of Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th August 2021. Our Artistic Director, Jonathon Welch AM, and all of our fabulous presenter...

He’s Got the Whole World, by Ray Liebau
video: He’s Got the Whole World, by Ray Liebau

【貳和唱】音樂會 時間 / 2015年6月28日 地點 / 高雄市文化中心至善廳 指揮 / 林志信 He´s Got the Whole World 全世界都在祂的手中 編曲:Ray Liebau 雷.李寶 歌詞與旋律取材自眾所周知的美國黑人靈歌曲調,這曲調經常在教會、學校、甚至商業廣告中傳唱。李寶(Ray Liebau, 1937-)在編曲中加入了爵士與藍調音樂的元素,使它成為這一首豐富而精緻的無伴奏人聲合唱曲。 李寶是著作頗豐的作曲家與編曲家,大學時期主修鋼琴,早年從事鋼...  more

Capriccio Vocal Ensemble Victoria BC
group: Capriccio Vocal Ensemble Victoria BC

Now in its 24th season, CapriCCio continues to captivate audiences with outstanding performances of choral music ranging from the 15th century to the present, from Tallis and Gabrieli to Pärt, Whitacre and even younger contemporaries, from simple folk son...  more

blog: Does a community make a choir, or does a choir create a community?

[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   I’ve written before about how hard it is to get a cross-section of ages and genders in your choir (How to recruit Singers to truly reflect your...