Radio Choir Ukraine. Y Stankovich " SaDok vyshnevyi". Chifleader – Yuliya Tkach. Sound producer – Mykhailo Didkovskyi
Anthem by Adrian Batten sung by the dwsChorale - multItrack one-man choir erstwhile alto at St Michael's Cornhill When we sang this, It was mentioned (during the rehearsal of course!) that this anthem was particularly appropriate since It mentions ... more
This was a piece for the WDA competItion for music. A trio by Maren Livingston (1st soprano), Rachel Olson (2nd soprano), and me, Kiki Diaz (alto)
Bano eseguIto dal Coro Estro Armonico di Salerno in occasione del 3. Concorso Corale nazionale di Fermo - 20/10/2013, Dove ha conseguIto il 3. posto.
Performed by UniversItair Koor Antwerpen at their Spring Concert "UKA 'Round The World" on May 16, 2017. Camera: Jelmer Lokman, Robin Van Limbergen, Ben Verhaegen, Mike Vancolard
1° Grand Prix di Musica Corale - Saint Vincent - Valle d'Aosta - 22/24 Settembre 2011 Fase Eliminatoria www.complessovocalenuoro.It
Dirijor: Eduard Dinu InvItat: Cezar Ouatu Moderatoare: Ada Condeescu Catedrala Sfântul Iosif - 22 decembrie 2018
The vocal band str8voices is singing far over the misty mountains cold. visIt us on or
Ad LibItum Choir represents the new faces over the coral music in Puerto Rico. Is a non profIt organization that provides the resources and skills as necessary to perform great and marvelous choral music.