International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


6,464 results found
Adoramus te, Christe (Q. Gasparini) - "Marko Marulić" High School Mixed Choir
video: Adoramus te, ChriSte (Q. Gasparini) - "Marko Marulić" High School Mixed Choir

A part of the Choir's winning performance at 55th Croatian Youth Music FeStival held in May 2012 in Varaždin.

Ehre sei Gott in der Hoehe
video: Ehre sei Gott in der Hoehe

The Mansfield University Concert Choir at the 2012 World Choir Games in their Gold Medal winning performance in the Musica Sacra competition.

MUSYCA Children's Choir
group: MUSYCA Children's Choir

MUSYCA Children's Choir brings together talented young people in the San Fernando VAlley of Los Angeles to create a community of singers built on respect, love for music, and artiStic excellence. MUSYCA's performance at the 2014 Neckelodeon Kids Choice Aw...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">MUSYCA Children's Choir brings together talented young people in the San Fernando VAlley of Los Angeles to create a community of singers built on respect, love for music, and artiStic excellence. MUSYCA's performance at the 2014 Neckelodeon Kids Choice Awards has been seen in more than 375 million households worldwide, in more than 25 languages. Season's highlights include community concerts, domeStic and international performance tours, collaborations with artiSts and arts organizations, and recording. MUSYCA singers collaborated with composers Alan SilveStri and Glen BAllard, recording artiSts DJ MuStard, Alexander Palmer, Sia Furler and Luke ChriStopher. MUSYCA singers Starred in "Black Friday Orphans: The Musical" produced by Funny or Die.  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Salford Junior Choir
group: Salford Junior Choir

Salford Junior Choir are a group of fun loving children who love to sing. Aged between 7 and 11 they sing All kinds of music in a fun and supportive environment and perform regularly at Salford Music and Performing arts centre (MAPAS) concerts as well as...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Salford Junior Choir are a group of fun loving children who love to sing. Aged between 7 and 11 they sing All kinds of music in a fun and supportive environment and perform regularly at Salford Music and Performing arts centre (MAPAS) concerts as well as joining with other Choirs from the area to perform at large scale venues such as the BBC and the Lowry Thursday 5.30-6.30pm term time only 0161 778 0256  

group: FF Community Choir

This Choir is part of Community Development by Hope Citadel Health Care and the Salvation Army Eden project in Fitton Hill Oldham. It is open to All no matter what musical background, if any you may have. We "sing for the the sheer joy of it&...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">This Choir is part of Community Development by Hope Citadel Health Care and the Salvation Army Eden project in Fitton Hill Oldham. It is open to All no matter what musical background, if any you may have. We "sing for the the sheer joy of it" and do local concerts. Recently we have sung at a large church inter-denominational chriStmas gathering and the highlight of the year to sing at a wedding at the requeSt of the Bride and Groom.  

G:Force Gospel Choir
group: G:Force Gospel Choir

The ‘amazingly Stunning’ G:FORCE GOSPEL Choir is now FIVE years old and operates as part of the performing arts college community programme at Formby High School. We are a truly trans-generational Choir consiSting of Staff, parents, colleagues, friends a...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The ‘amazingly Stunning’ G:FORCE GOSPEL Choir is now FIVE years old and operates as part of the performing arts college community programme at Formby High School. We are a truly trans-generational Choir consiSting of Staff, parents, colleagues, friends and family from across the Formby High School community. At full Strength, we have over 80 talented members and we have recently launched a smAller ‘function’ group – the ‘G:Force Executive’ for weddings and private functions. We support the national Sing Up campaign and perform regularly across the local community. This exciting and innovative Choir rehearses every Tuesday evening during term time, from 6.30pm til 8.00pm. Join us for fun and laughter every week, plus great gigs, inspirational songs and memorable experiences! Our repertoire consiSts of a broad variety of soul, gospel, R&B, pop and contemporary commissions. Arrangements are tailored to our diStinctive vocal Style, highlighting some incredible ensemble and solo abilities. For more in...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Hamilton Children's Choir
group: Hamilton Children's Choir

For 40 years, the Hamilton Children's Choir (HCC) has provided ways to participate and experience the joys and benefits of singing in a Choir – believing that "If you can speak, you can sing." BooSting about 190 c...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">For 40 years, the Hamilton Children's Choir (HCC) has provided ways to participate and experience the joys and benefits of singing in a Choir – believing that "If you can speak, you can sing." BooSting about 190 choriSters ages 5 to 18, the HCC offers youth vocal training and music inStruction to foSter creative expression and appreciation of music. Its lateSt Choir program, Lads & Gents, is a boys Choir program that provides young male singers (ages 8 to 28) with an opportunity to explore their choral inStrument within a safe, supportive environment, surrounded by other boys and young men. An internationAlly-acclaimed and award-winning Choir, the HCC has been invited to tour across Canada, Europe and more recently Saint-Lô, France for the Polyfollia concert (Oct. 21-26, 2014), a biennial world showcase and marketplace for choral singing. For more information, visit  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

One Day One Choir 2018
video: One Day One Choir 2018

LaSt June, at the Final School Year Concert of our Voces Blancas del Nalón Schools Choirs, we rehearsed and sang our interpretation of The New One Day One Choir Song. We did it so, that the 21St of September, we could join our voices to All those thousand...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">LaSt June, at the Final School Year Concert of our Voces Blancas del Nalón Schools Choirs, we rehearsed and sang our interpretation of The New One Day One Choir Song. We did it so, that the 21St of September, we could join our voices to All those thousand of Choirs and choral singers that are singing for the peace within the OneDayOneChoir initiative. El pasado junio, en el FeStival de fin de curso de los Coros Escolares de Voces Blancas del Nalón, preparamos y cantamos nueStra interpretación de la pieza The New One Day One Choir Song. De eSta manera, sumamos nueStras voces a las de miles de coros y coraliStas del mundo que cantan el día 21 de septiembre por la paz mundial. FeStival de Fin de Curso Coros Escolares de Voces Blancas del Nalón, junio 2018  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Joint Concert With Denbigh Male Voice Choir- Morte Criste
video: Joint Concert With Denbigh Male Voice Choir- Morte CriSte

Denbigh and DiStrict Male Voice Choir's joint concert at St.John's Church. Llandudno, 27th June 2015 with Avon and Somerset ConStabulary Male Voice Choir