Festival Internacional de Corais Apresentação feita no Mosteiro Nossa Senhora das Graças - Monjas Beneditinas - BH www.monjasbeneditinasbh.org.br/
Festival Internacional de Corais Apresentação feita no Mosteiro Nossa Senhora das Graças - Monjas Beneditinas - BH www.monjasbeneditinasbh.org.br/
Festival Internacional de Corais Apresentação feita no Mosteiro Nossa Senhora das Graças - Monjas Beneditinas - BH www.monjasbeneditinasbh.org.br/
We are a small choir, deliberately so, to enable us to be more flexible than say a very large choir would be. We have sung in and visited many countries, and were honoured to be invited to take part in the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Bretv... more
Info | Πληροφορίες: info@choirs.gr Στίχοι & Μουσική: Διονύσης Σαββόπουλος Πρώτη εκτέλεση Διονύσης Σαββόπουλος-Σωτηρία Μπέλου στο δίσκο "Βρώμικο Ψωμί" (http://www.savvopoulos.net) Zeibekiko by Dionysis Savvopoulos (Music & Lyrics) First Performanc... more
Grupo Vocal Aequalis was formed in 1998. Since its early days, it has performed compositions from different musical periods spanning from the Renaissance to current times. Nowadays, it mostly interprets pieces by contemporary composers. GVA has don... more
Kauno mišrus choras "Saluto" Lietuvos suaugusiųjų chorų konkurse; Vadovė ir dirigentė Ramutė Štreimikytė; Šv. Kotrynos bažnyčia, Vilnius, 2013 m. gruodžio 1 d.