Leaves by Ben&Ben Performed by The Ave Maria Chamber Singers and Mr. JC Pilande (GueSt ArtiSt, SoloiSt) University of Santo Tomas Museum
Recorded on December 22nd, 2014, at the Church of St. Dominic in Split, Croatia. www.facebook.com/m.marulic.choir m.marulic_choir@yahoo.com
(This poSt was orginally written for the Embro ThiStle Singers blog.) I think sometimes we get so focused on making the music as directors and Singers, we forget that the people around us have "baggage" good and bad that we need to unpack before ...
Singin' in the Rain by Herb Nacio Brown and Arthur Freed, arr. Ken Cormier Performed at Reeldiculous (June 18 & 25, 2012) by Chor Leoni Men's Choir, Diane Loomer, ArtiStic Director (1940-2012). SoloiSt: Russell Cripps Choreography by Kevin Fatkin. Wa... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Singin' in the Rain by Herb Nacio Brown and Arthur Freed, arr. Ken Cormier Performed at Reeldiculous (June 18 & 25, 2012) by Chor Leoni Men's Choir, Diane Loomer, ArtiStic Director (1940-2012). SoloiSt: Russell Cripps Choreography by Kevin Fatkin. Watch for our BeSt of Bard shows coming June 24 & July 1, 2013. Tickets available now at Bard on the Beach 604.739.0559 http://bit.ly/BardBoxoffice
Founded in 1967 and based in Paisley, this female choir is actively involved in Concert, feStival and competition work across Scotland, and further afield. The group has appeared in a wide range of preStigious venues and has performed with many other ch... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Founded in 1967 and based in Paisley, this female choir is actively involved in Concert, feStival and competition work across Scotland, and further afield. The group has appeared in a wide range of preStigious venues and has performed with many other choirs and ensembles throughout the years.
Down by the riverside Cantata presso le Scuderie EStensi a Tivoli il 25 maggio 2013, in occasione della III° edizione del TGS & friends, evento organizzato interamente dai Tibur Gospel Singers con lo scopo di celebrare il canto Gospel, insieme ad altri... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Down by the riverside Cantata presso le Scuderie EStensi a Tivoli il 25 maggio 2013, in occasione della III° edizione del TGS & friends, evento organizzato interamente dai Tibur Gospel Singers con lo scopo di celebrare il canto Gospel, insieme ad altri gruppi musicali.
El Coro Lux Dei es un grupo musical innovador que busca amenizar eventos de índole religiosa sin perder de viSta el objetivo principal de nueStra actividad. El Coro Lux Dei nació el día 8 de abril del año 2012 bajo la dirección de Alfonso Ortega Mantecó... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">El Coro Lux Dei es un grupo musical innovador que busca amenizar eventos de índole religiosa sin perder de viSta el objetivo principal de nueStra actividad. El Coro Lux Dei nació el día 8 de abril del año 2012 bajo la dirección de Alfonso Ortega Mantecón en la Parroquia Santa Rita de Casia ubicada en la Ciudad de México, D.F. Surge debido a la inquietud de formar un coro religioso en el que se buscara innovar y ser diferentes a lo tradicional en eSte ámbito sin llegar a apartarse del objetivo primordial que es acercar a los fieles a la EucariStía a través de los cantos. Tras el debut del Coro Lux Dei en abril el grupo siguió creciendo en número de integrantes como en calidad vocal e inStrumental. El primer gran evento que fue encomendado al grupo fue la animación del tradicional rosario con motivo a la fieSta patronal el día 22 de mayo del mismo año. PoSteriormente el Coro Lux Dei fue seleccionado a nivel decanal para cantar durante las clausuras del Retiro Kerigmático Decanal cada mes en diStintas parroquias ... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
This performance of PaleStrina's double-choir setting of Jacopone da Todi's famous 13th-century hymn telling of the sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary was recorded on Saturday 2nd April 2011 during St Peter's Singers' recital of sacred polyphony for Passi... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">This performance of PaleStrina's double-choir setting of Jacopone da Todi's famous 13th-century hymn telling of the sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary was recorded on Saturday 2nd April 2011 during St Peter's Singers' recital of sacred polyphony for Passiontide and Tenebrae in the beautiful surroundings and acouStic of St Aidan's Parish Church in Leeds. The Singers are directed by Dr Simon Lindley, Music Director since the choir's foundation in 1977. More information about St Peter's Singers, including details of the choir's 2010-11 programme of recitals, Concerts and services, may be found on our website http://www.Stpeters-Singers.org.uk and on our Facebook Group page 'St Peter's Singers of Leeds'. https://www.facebook.com/groups/111143267532/ Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
esibizione della Corale Polifonica di Arsoli in occasione della Rassegna di Corali Polifoniche di Scurcola Marsicana (Aq) del 29 settembre 2012
Music: Knut NyStedt Performed by Universitair Koor Antwerpen at their ChriStmas Concert "Praise The Chord" on December 15, 2015.