Народный коллектив России Академический Хор Нижегородского государственного университета (ННГУ). Конкурсное выступление на Всемирной Хоровой Олимпиаде 2008 в г. Грац, Австрия. Филиппинская народная песня "Rosas Pandan" (обр. Дж. Хернандес). Nizhny Novgor... more
Under the direction of Leanne Crowther, here is the Children's section of the Barnsley Youth Choir.
the Foundation World Youth Choir, all rights reserved Any resemblance with a third party content is accidental and does not effect the rights on this recording. Performer: World Youth Choir, 2012 session in Cyprus (61 singer from 34 countries) Pi... more
Antrim Community Choir presents Delusions of Grandeur Tour 2013-2014 Christmas.
Founded in February 1995, the University of Toronto Gospel Choir [UTGC] was formed in celebration of Black History month. the Choir was initially created to unite students with a shared interest in praising the Lord through song. Soon, however, the weekly... more
Oranje GirlsChoir has a rich tradition of choral singing since the early 1940s. It is the Choir's mission since its existence to captivate audiences with versatile and enjoyable singing which is passionately presented by each member. the Choir consists of... more
the Alberton ladies' Choir performs a variety of music and offers a very entertaining program. We often perform at churches- during sermons and at informal functions. the sweet sound of the ladies' Choir is the ideal way to enhance a church sermon, or to... more
the Inspira Chamber Choir (formerly Calgary Youth Chorus) performs the theme from the 1988 Calgary Olympic Winter Games by David Foster at the 10th Golden Gate International Choir Festival (Oakland, CA, USA)
"Still I Rise" by Rosephanye Powell. Recorded live on Thursday, July 3, 2014, at Christ Lutheran Church in Oakland Park, Florida. Performed by the Concert Choir ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. Artistic Director: Wallis Peterson, Accompanis... more
"Pete, Pete" West African folk song, arr. Rosephanye Powell. Recorded live on May 15, 2015, at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by the Primes Choir ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. Artistic D... more