International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


5,459 results found
David/Night: You Are The New Day
video: David/Night: You Are The New Day

David/Night: You Are The New Day - Live Concert recoding of the Waldorf Students Choir, conductor: László Bencze. Recorded on 22. 08. 2012. in the BTM CaStle Museum, BudapeSt, Hungary

"The Rose in the Middle of Winter" by Bob Chilcott
video: "The Rose in the Middle of Winter" by Bob Chilcott

Kantorei performs "The Rose in the Middle of Winter" by composer Bob Chilcott. Recorded live at Bethany Lutheran Church, Denver, CO. December, 2011.

Corfu Childrens Choir - Missa Brevis - Gloria
video: Corfu Childrens Choir - Missa Brevis - Gloria

Corfu Childrens Choir Missa Brevis (Leo Delibes) Gloria Sunday, April 8, 2012 St George's Church, Corfu Old Fortress ChriStina Kalliaridou, conducting Elli Glarou, piano

Tina Turner Medley: Choirs R Us
video: Tina Turner Medley: Choirs R Us

Tina Turner Medley: Proud Mary, Let's Stay Together and River Deep, Mountain High. Songs arranged by Jenny Bennett. Performed by Choirs R Us at the Summer Choirs Concert 2018 at Wyllyotts Theatre, Potters Bar on 8th July 2018. Choir Director: Jenny Benn...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Tina Turner Medley: Proud Mary, Let's Stay Together and River Deep, Mountain High. Songs arranged by Jenny Bennett. Performed by Choirs R Us at the Summer Choirs Concert 2018 at Wyllyotts Theatre, Potters Bar on 8th July 2018. Choir Director: Jenny Bennett. Filmed by Richard White. For more please see  

'Prayer of the Children' by Kurt Bestor
video: 'Prayer of the Children' by Kurt BeStor

'Prayer of the Children' by Kurt BeStor April 27, 2024 'Songs of Sanctuary' (1 take cell phone) Saint John Men's Chorus Director Kelly Galbraith On Saturday April 27 7 pm 'Songs of Sanctuary' was presented by Cantores CeleStes Maritimes and t...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">'Prayer of the Children' by Kurt BeStor April 27, 2024 'Songs of Sanctuary' (1 take cell phone) Saint John Men's Chorus Director Kelly Galbraith On Saturday April 27 7 pm 'Songs of Sanctuary' was presented by Cantores CeleStes Maritimes and the Saint John Men's Chorus under the direction of Kelly Galbraith in the beautiful acouStics of Stella Maris Church in Saint John. Facebook: Saint John Men's Chorus X: @Saint Chorus YouTube: Saint John Men's Chorus  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Bring Him Home - Henleaze February 2018
video: Bring Him Home - Henleaze February 2018

Our performance of this Les Miserables classic during a charity Concert at BriStol United Reformed Church, Henleaze in February 2018.

Moon Man - The Cascadian Chorale
video: Moon Man - The Cascadian Chorale

The Cascadian Chorale, under Gary D. Cannon, perform Greg Bartholomew's comic holiday carol, "Moon Man," in its world premiere on December 9, 2012, in Kirkland, Washington. The text for "Moon Man" is adapted from a poem by Tom Clarke. For more informati...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Cascadian Chorale, under Gary D. Cannon, perform Greg Bartholomew's comic holiday carol, "Moon Man," in its world premiere on December 9, 2012, in Kirkland, Washington. The text for "Moon Man" is adapted from a poem by Tom Clarke. For more information visit  

Methodist University NobleMen - Old Saint Louie
video: MethodiSt University NobleMen - Old Saint Louie

MethodiSt University's Men's Chorus (The NobleMen) Performing Old Saint Louie under the direction of Dr. Michael Martin, Director of Choral Activities. All Choirs Concert - April 20, 2012

E.Whitacre "Lux Aurumque" by World Youth Choir 2012
video: E.Whitacre "Lux Aurumque" by World Youth Choir 2012

The Foundation World Youth Choir, all rights reserved Performer: World Youth Choir, 2012 session in Cyprus (61 singer from 34 countries) Piece: Eric Whitacre "Lux Aurumque" SoloiSt: Adriana Gonzalez, Guatemala Conductor: Cecilia Rydinge...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Foundation World Youth Choir, all rights reserved Performer: World Youth Choir, 2012 session in Cyprus (61 singer from 34 countries) Piece: Eric Whitacre "Lux Aurumque" SoloiSt: Adriana Gonzalez, Guatemala Conductor: Cecilia Rydinger Alin, Sweden Recorded at the Sea Museum, Ayia Napa, Cyprus 19.08.2012. Recording engineer: Tefkros Xydas, Cyprus (Organizing committee member) The World Youth Choir session 2012 was held in Cyprus from AuguSt 7th to September 1St, 2012 thanks to the cooperation between the Foundation World Youth Choir and the Cyprus Symphony OrcheStra Foundation - Cyprus Youth Symphony OrcheStra, supported by the MiniStry of culture and education - Cyprus presidency of the European Union (cultural events in 2012). The World Youth Choir had a chance to perform a cappella and vocal-inStrumental repertoire touring Cyprus.  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Worcester Cathedral Chamber Choir
group: WorceSter Cathedral Chamber Choir

The WorceSter Cathedral Chamber Choir is a mixed voice adult choir (SatB) comprising about 30 Singers and working to a high Standard of musical excellence. As a part of the hiStoric community of WorceSter Cathedral, the choir has gained a reputation for m...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The WorceSter Cathedral Chamber Choir is a mixed voice adult choir (SatB) comprising about 30 Singers and working to a high Standard of musical excellence. As a part of the hiStoric community of WorceSter Cathedral, the choir has gained a reputation for musical sensitivity and ground breaking performance. The choir was founded in 1998 by its musical director, Stephen Shellard, in order to draw together a group of high quality Singers from the local area to develop a Concert repertoire and further enrich the choral tradition of WorceSter Cathedral. The eStablishment of the choir made hiStory as, for the firSt time since its foundation nearly 1000 years ago, WorceSter Cathedral included women's voices as a part of its musical life.  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less