International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


144 results found
Deck the Hall - arr: John Rutter -- The Stairwell Carollers
video: deck the Hall - arr: John Rutter -- The Stairwell Carollers

"deck the Hall" first encore performed by The Stairwell Carollers on dec 18, 2009, Saint Charles Church. The Stairwell Carollers are an a cappella Ottawa choir, formed in 1977 by director Pierre Massie. A non-profit organization, they raise funds for loc...  more

O Magnum Mysterium - Francis Poulenc - Chœur de chambre Arthémys
video: O Magnum Mysterium - Francis Poulenc - Chœur de chambre Arthémys

Captation du concert du chœur de chambre Arthémys Direction: Cyrille Rault-Gregorio Église Saint-denis, Poix-de-Picardie 18 décembre 2015

Immaculate Mother (with organ Improvisation)
video: Immaculate Mother (with organ Improvisation)

Alejandro Consolacion II, organ SMA Glee Club Rodolfo delarmente, conductor

Troparion of Kassiane by Panaghiótis Gheorghíou
video: Troparion of Kassiane by Panaghiótis Gheorghíou

Music composition by Panaghiótis Gheorghíou, based on the melody of Ioannis Sakelarides. For TTBB choir & solo soprano. Composition year: 1961 -The composer's manuscripts are the first to be shown in public. Their republication of any manner without the...  more

Nada te turbe | The Girl Choir of South Florida
video: Nada te turbe | The Girl Choir of South Florida

"Nada te turbe" by Joan Szymko. Text by Saint Teresa of Avila. Recorded live on May 7, 2016, at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by the Concert Choir ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. Artistic Director: Wall...  more

The Grey Selchie - Paul Halley
video: The Grey Selchie - Paul Halley

The Grey Selchie Paul Halley Cantores Celestes MaritiMes Director Kelly Galbraith Accompanist: Dr. Kevin Langford Soprano Soloist: Maureen Paras Cantores Celestes MaritiMes was formed in June 2022 in Saint John NB This is from our concert 'Untr...  more

San Nicolas 2nd Chorale
group: San Nicolas 2nd Chorale

We, the San Nicolas 2nd Chorale (SN2C) of Sasmuan, Pampanga, are a catholic music ministry inspired by the spirituality of our patron Saint St. Nicolas de Tolentino. United by our faith in God, love in music, and dedication to serve others. We exist to he...  more

Sweet with Starlight (Excerpt) by Stephen Hatfield (Cantores Celestes Maritimes)
video: Sweet with Starlight (Excerpt) by Stephen Hatfield (Cantores Celestes MaritiMes)

Cantores Celestes MaritiMes Director Kelly Galbraith Cantores Celestes MaritiMes was formed in June 2022 in Saint John NB This is from our dress rehearsal on dec 7, 2023 'A Child is Born'. Captured on cell phone. Facebook...  more

Crt Sojar Voglar: Alma redemptoris mater
video: Crt Sojar Voglar: Alma redemptoris mater

Moja skladba za Mesani zbor na melodijo gregorijanskega korala, napisano za vsakoletno božično koncertno turnejo zbora Sv. Nikolaja iz Litije. Ponosen sem, da sem clan tako izvrstnega ansambla, ki moji glasbi vedno vdihne pravo energijo! This composition...  more

Para L'Elles - The twelve kindly months - Imogen Holst (1907-1984) - Chœur a capella
video: Para L'Elles - The twelve kindly months - Imogen Holst (1907-1984) - Chœur a capella

Ensemble vocal Para L'Elles. Concert du 15 mai 2022 dédié aux "Compositrices du XVIe au XXIe siècle", en l'abbaye Saint-Louis-du-Temple de Limon (91 Vauhallan). Direction : Agnès Blin. de gauche à droite : Harim Kim (soprano), Emmanuelle Gal (soprano), Ag...  more