Mistango Choir Festival


288 results found
God bless you my friend - FSV
video: God bless you my friend - FSV

A new year prayer to all friends and family in the new year, 2022. Performed by Friends of St. Val. (FSV) Composed by Justice Chukwuebuka Onah. Sponsored by www.chestropera.org

Breathtaking & Spiritual - Spirit Of The Living God - Darren Bartlett Feat. Salvacosta
video: Breathtaking & Spiritual - Spirit of The Living God - Darren Bartlett Feat. Salvacosta

Watch this and be moved by the purity of the vocals, the honesty of the performance and the importance of the message... Truly breathtaking..!! Daniel Iverson Copyright 1935 - renewed 1963 Birdwing Music/ EMI Christian Music Publishing Administered b...  more

blog: Songs for our Mums

The Major Minors Children’s Choir have teamed up with their friends the Hutt Valley Singers to perform this special concert for Mother’s Day. The Children’s choir which is in its 4th year of singing is looking forward to performing its f...

blog: Singers should spend more time in the audience

[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   I love my job. I get to stand in front of a bunch of singers and hear wonderful harmonies washing over me.     Antony Gormley's Field for the...

video: LET IT BE

LET IT BE Let it be×4 whisper words of wisdom, let it be, let it be×4 whisper words of wisdom, let it be, when I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, Speaking words of wisdom, Let it be, And in my hour of darkness she is, sta...  more

Glory to God G.F Handel's Joshua
video: Glory to God G.F Handel's Joshua

A fantastic and rousing performance of one of Handel's finest Solo and Chorus by the Golden Voices Choir STACC FUTO at the 13th edition of her annual music concert "Canzona". Tenor soloist: Anusie Emmanuel Conductor: Okoro Clarence O.

Our God Reigns - Lenny Smith's YOU ARE MY HIDING PLACE cd release party.
video: Our God Reigns - Lenny Smith's YOU ARE MY HIDING PLACE cd release party.

My children and grand children singing and playing along with me at my YOU ARE MY HIDING PLACE cd release party at Daniel's studio. Album available at www.greatcomfortrecords.com Some of my very best songs:) SO MUCH FUN! I AM A HAPPY MAN! www.greatco...  more

Nader my God by U (arr. André van der Merwe)
video: Nader my God by U (arr. André van der Merwe)

Performed by the Stellenbosch University Choir on 16 October 2011 in the Endler hall, Stellenbosch as part of their annual Gala Concert. For more info, go to: http://www.sun.ac.za/koor

blog: Can you remember a song while standing on one leg? - recalling songs in different contexts

[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir]   I teach a song in the morning and it’s sounding pretty good.   photo by kalavinka   Then after lunch I get the group to stand f...

Русская народная песня в обработке В. Г. Соколова "Ты не стой, колодец..."
video: Русская народная песня в обработке В. Г. Соколова "Ты не стой, колодец..."

Жар-Сокол хор в Царицыно (концерт в Атриуме Хлебного дома), март 2018 года.