Music: Traditional Arr.: Robert Orledge Lyrics: Nick Shrimpton
"Windy" by Ruthann Friedman as arranged by Acappellago's own Vicki Linich. Sunday, March 13, 2016 Congregational Church of Batavia, IL.
"Tonight" St. Petersburg State Capella, 2010, "И в эту ночку, и через ночку..." литовская народная песня, гармонизация: Г.Калинас Одна из самых популярных литовских свадебных народных песен: молодец, с лукошком, полным яблок пытается привлечь вним... One';">moreOne;">"Tonight" St. Petersburg State Capella, 2010, "И в эту ночку, и через ночку..." литовская народная песня, гармонизация: Г.Калинас Одна из самых популярных литовских свадебных народных песен: молодец, с лукошком, полным яблок пытается привлечь внимание девушки, говоря: «Всю ночь не спал, яблонь сажал», что служит ему, как признание в любви.
''Harbor Light has a distinctly Brazilian feel in the chorus with the addition of percussive instruments typically associated with any Bossa Nova. The flute brings a softness and the guiro adds intrigue to this rhythmic new melody set to the traditional h... One';">moreOne;">''Harbor Light has a distinctly Brazilian feel in the chorus with the addition of percussive instruments typically associated with any Bossa Nova. The flute brings a softness and the guiro adds intrigue to this rhythmic new melody set to the traditional hymnal words." Music - Stephen Bulla Lyrics - Philip Bliss Copyright The Salvation Army Performed by Salvacosta Keys - Alvin Allison Flute - James Cairns Flute Arr. - Alvin Allison DMB Music
Old German tune, harmonised by J S Bach words based on the translation by Percy Dearmer 1 O little One sweet, O little One mild, thy Father's purpose thou hast fulfilled; thou cam'st from heaven to mortal ken, Equal to be with us poor men, O littl... One';">moreOne;">Old German tune, harmonised by J S Bach words based on the translation by Percy Dearmer 1 O little One sweet, O little One mild, thy Father's purpose thou hast fulfilled; thou cam'st from heaven to mortal ken, Equal to be with us poor men, O little One sweet, O little One mild. 2 O little One sweet, O little One mild, thy Father's purpose thou hast fulfilled; thou cam'st from Him, from heaven's domain, to bring men comfort in their pain, O little One sweet, O little One mild. 3 O little One sweet, O little One mild. in thee Love's beauties are all distilled; then light in us thy love's bright flame, that we may give thee back the same, O little One sweet, O little One mild. 4 O little One sweet, O little One mild. Help us to do as thou hast willed Lo, all we have belongs to thee Ah, keep us in our fealty. O little One sweet, O little One mild. One';">less
Concerto CINQUENOVECENTO, in occasiOne della 718' Perdonanza Celestiniana. L'Aquila, 24 agosto 2012, chiesa di San Giuseppe Artigiano
Innismara, meaning "island in the sea" in Irish Gaelic, is an autonomous vocal chamber ensemble that fills a gap in the rich tapestry of choral music in Newfoundland and Labrador. Comprised of professionally trained musicians, Innismara is dedicated to th... One';">moreOne;">Innismara, meaning "island in the sea" in Irish Gaelic, is an autonomous vocal chamber ensemble that fills a gap in the rich tapestry of choral music in Newfoundland and Labrador. Comprised of professionally trained musicians, Innismara is dedicated to the performance of the intimate and hidden treasures of the vocal ensemble repertoire. Well-known for specializing in sacred and secular music of the Renaissance and Baroque eras, Innismara also enjoys experimenting with contemporary, pop, jazz and spiritual arrangements as well as exploring the rich folk music of Newfoundland and Labrador. One';">less
May 9, 2015 Soloist: Adrian Pecold
Soloist: K. Gray Arr. Moses Hogan JYC 2014 Catch us in concert on February 22, 2014! The UWI Chapel for details
【wow! 合唱】音樂會 時間/ 2014年9月20日 地點/ 大東文化藝術中心 指揮/ 朱如鳳 斯維林克(Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck,1562-1621),是文藝復興末、巴洛克初期重要的荷蘭作曲家,在教堂任職管風琴師的他,除了譜寫眾多鍵盤作品,奠定風琴演奏技巧之外,亦寫下超過250首的聲樂作品。五聲部經文歌〈皆來頌〉(Venite exultemus Domino)收錄於1619年出版的《聖歌集》(CantiOnessacrae),歌詞為拉丁文聖經詩篇95篇1-3... One';">moreOne;">【wow! 合唱】音樂會 時間/ 2014年9月20日 地點/ 大東文化藝術中心 指揮/ 朱如鳳 斯維林克(Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck,1562-1621),是文藝復興末、巴洛克初期重要的荷蘭作曲家,在教堂任職管風琴師的他,除了譜寫眾多鍵盤作品,奠定風琴演奏技巧之外,亦寫下超過250首的聲樂作品。五聲部經文歌〈皆來頌〉(Venite exultemus Domino)收錄於1619年出版的《聖歌集》(CantiOnessacrae),歌詞為拉丁文聖經詩篇95篇1-3節,跳躍似的旋律動機在聲部間交織,表現歌詞中感恩讚美的歡欣鼓舞。原編制有數字低音伴奏,今晚將以無伴奏形式演唱。 Venite,exsultemus Domino; jubilemusDeosalutarinostro; praeoccupemusfaciemejus in confessiOne, et in psalmisjubilemusei: quoniam Deus magnus Dominus, etrexmagnus super omnesdeos. 來啊,我們要向耶和華歌唱, 向拯救我們的磐石歡呼! 我們要來感謝他, 用詩歌向他歡呼! 因耶和華為大神, 為大王,超乎萬神之上。 One';">less