Albion in the spectacular surroundings of Peak Cavern, Castleton - the "Devil's Arse". The performances ALBION UNDERGROUND take us, and our intrepid followers, to the heart of the hillside, as deep as you can go without being a caver...or possibly the D... more
Inkosi Jesu is a beautiful piece composed in reembrace of Christ's suffering, death and resurrection. It takes us through a series of emotions as we remember these historic moments when Christ died for our sins.
Iglesia Dinamarquesa. Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina 2005
Concert March 26th, 2011 At St. Clement's Anglican Church Cantabile Chamber Singers
Lloyd Pfautsch's setting of Andrew Marvell's poetry. From our May 16, 2010 concert at MATC-Mitby Theatre. Cantabile and Ragazzi
Join us on facebook : Doopsgezinde kerk Middelburg 2014 Andantino (Vilvoorde België olv Peter De Waele)
【wow! 合唱】音樂會 時間/ 2014年9月20日 地點/ 大東文化藝術中心 指揮/ 張成璞 「蘇莉拉姆」是印尼與馬來西亞普遍流傳的一首民謠,歌詞描繪一位美麗的女孩蘇莉拉姆,美好的享受生活,如同烏托邦的世界一般。編曲者茱麗葉˙賴是馬來西亞重要的合唱指揮與作曲家,她的合唱作品在國際性的音樂會與合唱比賽中傳唱於新加坡、中國、澳洲、美國、英國等地,指揮演出的足跡也遍布世界各地。 這首編曲分為三段,第一段由第一女高音展現平和而優美的旋律,各部加入後,以豐富的和聲變化襯托旋律,男聲並以器樂... more
此曲為巴西民謠的改編曲,曲風活潑,節奏明確。樂曲結合了巴西最受歡迎的兩首民謠;以此兩首民謠的旋律互相搭配,讓聽眾能輕鬆地享受優美的旋律,也能感受拉丁音樂的熱情節奏,作曲家更運用人聲製造出許多特殊聲響,令人有如置身拉丁美洲般的氛圍。 嘿!織蕾絲的女孩,請你教我如何編織,我會教你怎麼求愛。 維古李諾就是藍佩歐,他既是藍帕又是藍佩歐, 他的名字叫維古李諾,小名是藍佩歐。
Performed by Universitair Koor Antwerpen at their Christmas Concert "Once Upon A December" on December 19, 2017. Piano: Stijn Dierckx
My name is Paul Eisenstein and I am looking for an adventurous choir (SATB) to perform one of my pieces. The work is called Songs from Cold Mountain and it is comprised of 6 poems by the 10th century Zen poet Han Shan. These are short pieces and can be c...