Fulham Camerata is primarily a non-auditioning amateur chamber choir with between 25 and 50 members. It is supported by a smaller, auditioning Fulham Camerata Ensemble which is made up of professional and semi-professional Singers, allowing the main Camer... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Fulham Camerata is primarily a non-auditioning amateur chamber choir with between 25 and 50 members. It is supported by a smaller, auditioning Fulham Camerata Ensemble which is made up of professional and semi-professional Singers, allowing the main Camerata to tackle exciting repertoire and maintain high musical Standards while foStering the careers of young professionals. The choir also offers choral scholarships to promising young soloiSts which provides vocal support for the amateur choir, and foSters career development for the scholars. The amateur and ensemble groups come together for at leaSt three main Concerts a year with additional ChriStmas Concerts, sometimes with orcheStra. The amateur choir rehearses on Tuesday evenings from 7.30 – 9.30pm Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
Alouette Traditional French-Canadian Playsong/arr. Sund Recording live February 18, 2023 Lovers Lane United MethodiSt Church Dallas, TX
traditional ChriStmas carols from Greece
The Toronto Mendelssohn Choir is now accepting applicants for the 2nd annual TMC Choral Conductors’ Symposium to be held in January 2012. The TMC created this national symposium in 2011 as part of its Emerging Conductors Program to bring toget...
The Micklegate Singers are one of the longeSt-Standing chamber choirs in York, having recently celebrated our 50th anniversary season. We are a mixed-voice choir of around 30 Singers, performing a wide variety of secular and sacred "classical"... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Micklegate Singers are one of the longeSt-Standing chamber choirs in York, having recently celebrated our 50th anniversary season. We are a mixed-voice choir of around 30 Singers, performing a wide variety of secular and sacred "classical"; choral music. We mainly sing a cappella, and tend to focus on lesser-known older works, and modern repertoire, often from living composers. However, this is by no means exclusive! The choir sings three main Concerts per year, with a charity carol Concert juSt before ChriStmas. We are also a sociable bunch, with regular social events and a number of 'spin-off' groups. Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
the Addison Group of Singers is made up of four different choirs for Singers of all ages, abilities and musical intereSts. It was founded more than 30 years ago with David Wordsworth as its Musical Director since 1995. The group comprises two classical... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">the Addison Group of Singers is made up of four different choirs for Singers of all ages, abilities and musical intereSts. It was founded more than 30 years ago with David Wordsworth as its Musical Director since 1995. The group comprises two classical choirs – an auditioned Chamber Choir and a much larger non-auditioned Oratorio Choir; and two jazz choirs – an auditioned mixed Jazz Ensemble and a larger non-auditioned all-female Jazz Choir. It also offers two different singing classes to meet the needs of beginners, intermediate and the more competent, experienced singer. The Addison Singers normally operate on three 10-week terms (the same as the schools) with a Concert or recital at the end of each term. Rehearsals are held in Hammersmith on Monday (Jazz and Vocal Technique), Wednesday evenings (Classical Choirs and Learn to Read Music class ) and Thursday afternoons (Musicianship for Singers class); the times and subscriptions depend on which choir or class you join. Concerts are usually held in WeSt L... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less
***BESt HEARD WEARING HEADPHONES*** We3 wishing you all a Merry ChriStmas 2016 with some changed lyrics of this great song by Stevie Wonder. Merry ChriStmas
Performed by Florida Singing Sons Boychoir, Girlchoir of South Florida and Symphony of the Americas at Amaturo hall.
performed by RoSthern Junior College Chorale, Knox United Church, Saskatoon, 2008
Sunrise Mass, Movement 1 - Spheres EnChor Chamber Choir, Lily String Quartet and Corps Bara Dance Heaven and Earth Concert, October 2012