指揮:連芳貝 / 鋼琴:陳丹怡 "化作千縷微風"為日本作家兼歌手新井滿改編自911時追憶罹難者的英語詩歌"A Thousand Winds",由聲樂家秋川雅史演唱,並在2007年日本NHK跨年年度節目紅白大賽中一唱成名,成為日本流行音樂史上首度成為銷售冠軍的古典聲樂歌曲。歌詞訴說著逝者安慰生者的深情話語,溫柔的旋律,款款道出亡者心願,逝者已遠,幻滅的形體化作一縷縷微風,吹過原野,越過山岳,穿過林間,掀起水面波瀾,與大自然融為一體,思念之時請別哭泣,仔細感受,滋潤大地的空氣水與陽光,處處是我的關照與祝... more
Coro Intermezzo Choir from Costa Rica. Idaho International Choral Festival, Pocatello (ID) Gala Concert 7/23/2016
Festival Anima Mea 2015. Auditorium del Museo Diocesano di Molfetta - 30 settembre 2015 Cappella Musicale Corradiana Antonio Magarelli, direttore
In challenging times our passion for singing together is stronger than the physical distance. We celebrate love and compassion in this, our 22nd anniversary at Grupo Vocal Aequalis, by singing Fix You, the Coldplay hit, arranged by Mariano Galussio GR... more
This hymn is an unequivocal call to commitment to follow the Master and to fulfill our vocation through service. The language is unambiguous. Our calling is to save a “never dying soul” and “fit it for the sky” for eternal life with Christ. In other w... more
Contest performance at the International Festival of Choral and Folklore Music "SLOVAKIA CANTAT". Bratislava, Slovakia, 2013.
"Can't Help Falling in Love" is a song recorded by American singer Elvis Presley for the album Blue Hawaii (1961). It was written by Hugo Peretti, Luigi Creatore, and George David Weiss and published by Gladys Music, Inc. The melody is based on "Plaisir d... more
Danny Boy.
This has been quite a week! Last Mondy, we celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., and yesterday, our country swore in a new president. Regardless of who one voted for, the election results surprised nearly everyone. As someone ...