Performance by the Mansfield University Concert Choir conducted by Peggy Dettwiler at the 2014 World Choir Games in Riga, Latvia. They won a gold medal and second place in the Spiritual Category.
Chant of 13th century from the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, performed by Revutsky Academic Male Choir. Fragment of the Art program devoted to Day of the Baptism of Rus-Ukraine and 1000th anniversary of the Assumption of Prince Vladimir. (2015) St. Michael's Squar... more ().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
Παραδοσιακά αγγλικά κάλαντα, διασκευή: Andre van der Merwe. Διεύθυνση:Χριστίνα Καλλιαρίδου, πιάνο:Έλλη Γλαρού. Χριστουγεννιάτικη συναυλία Χορωδίας Κέρκυρας, Δημοτικό Θέατρο Κέρκυρας 16/12/2013.
12th International Chamber Choir Competition Marktoberdorf, Germany,; June 10-15, 2011; Live recording; This is a service of Choral Festival Network; Competition Round 2, June 12
Watch this and be moved by the purity of the vocals, the honesty of the performance and the importance of the message... Truly breathtaking..!! Daniel Iverson Copyright 1935 - renewed 1963 Birdwing Music/ EMI Christian Music Publishing Administered b... more
A fantastic and rousing performance of one of Handel's finest Solo and Chorus by the Golden Voices Choir STACC FUTO at the 13th edition of her annual music concert "Canzona". Tenor soloist: Anusie Emmanuel Conductor: Okoro Clarence O.
My children and grand children singing and playing along with me at my YOU ARE MY HIDING PLACE cd release party at Daniel's studio. Album available at Some of my very best songs:) SO MUCH FUN! I AM A HAPPY MAN! www.greatco... more
Performed by the Stellenbosch University Choir on 16 October 2011 in the Endler hall, Stellenbosch as part of their annual Gala Concert. For more info, go to:
Music by David Ogden Performed by Exultate Singers and the Lochrian Ensemble
This track from the Chandos Anthems by G. F. Handel was performed LIVE by the University Choir, KNusT - Kumasi at the Great Hall, KNusT on the 16th April, 2016.