Mistango Choir Festival


2,020 results found
One Day One Choir 2018
video: One Day One Choir 2018

Last June, at the Final School Year Concert of our Voces Blancas del Nalón Schools choirs, we rehearsed and sang our interpretation of The New One Day One Choir Song. We did it so, that the 21st of September, we could join our voices to all those thousand...  more

Song of the Mountains • SATB Score Video
video: Song of the Mountains • SATB Score Video

A setting of text adapted from prose by American naturalist John Muir (1838-1914). Commissioned for the Combined choirs of St. Joseph's School, Seattle, directed by Rick Boyle, who premiered the piece at Benaroya Hall's Nordstrom Recital Hall on May 6, 20...  more

My Sweetest Lord from the Stone&Tara Songbook for choirs
video: My Sweetest Lord from the Stone&Tara Songbook for choirs

A deliciously bluesy swaying gospel in 12/8 rhythm based on Psalm 23, ‘the Lord is my shepherd’. Our music for your choir - sheet music and mp3's available through www.stoneandtara.com/songbook My Sweetest Lord ©2021 Anke de Bruijn & Peter Duiverman ...  more

Knut Nystedt: Immortal Bach
video: Knut Nystedt: Immortal Bach

Knut Nystedt (born 1915) Immortal Bach A variation of the beginning of Bach's choral "Komm süßer Tod" (BWV 478) which is sung initially: Five choirs sing the same original music but in different tempi and wait at the end of each phrase. lyrics: K...  more

group: BachWerk

BachWerk is made up of a group of people in Brussels passionate about fantastic music and determined to do something about it. Together we have formed a choir of talented musicians from Belgium and around the world. Our common goal is to make great mu...  more

video: 當歌聲響起

2012十週年音樂會 高雄市文化中心至德堂 2012-11-16 指揮: 翁佳芬 伴奏: 許溎芳 詞:谷川俊太郎 曲:松下耕 譯詞:蔡昱姍 松下耕(Ko Matsushita, 1962-)是日本現代活躍的作曲家及合唱指揮,〈當歌聲響起〉(そのひとがうたうとき)是1998年受兵庫縣芦屋高校合唱團委託所寫,歌詞作者谷川俊太郎(Shuntaro Tanikawa, 1931-)是日本家喻戶曉的詩人,松下耕常以其詩詞入曲。歌聲,是合唱團員的攻無不克武器,用來建造和平互信的人間天堂,作者期...  more

Khreschatyk Choir Entry of the Gladiators Julius Fučík
video: Khreschatyk Choir Entry of the Gladiators Julius Fučík

Виконує – Академічний камерний хор «Хрещатик» Диригент – Павло Струць, Аранжування – Євген Петреченко, Режисер-постановник – Анастасія Гнатюк, Хореограф-постановник – Олена Столярова, Оператор, монтаж – Віктор Бондаренко.

Kanto Vocal Ensemble
group: Kanto Vocal Ensemble

Friends who sing together ❤️