International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


6,895 results found
Mapúa Cardinal Singers
group: Mapúa Cardinal Singers

The Mapúa Cardinal Singers, formerly known as Mapúa Concert Singers, is the official resident Choir of the Mapúa Institute of Technology, Intramuros, Manila, Philippines. The group is composed of male and female members who are passionately dedicated to t...  more

SonntagsChor Rheinland-Pfalz
group: SonntagsChor Rheinland-Pfalz

(Only in German language) Der „SonntagsChor Rheinland-Pfalz“ entstand im November 2010, als „SWR SonntagsChor“, aus einer landesweiten Chorinitiative vom Südwestrundfunk Rheinland-Pfalz und den Landes-Chorverbänden Rheinland-Pfalz und Pfalz. Die aktuel...  more

Excelsior Voices
group: Excelsior Voices

Established in spring 2021, we are a community youth Choir program in Prince William County for middle school, high school ​and young adult singers. We have fun as we build friendships with singers from many schools, sing a wide variety of music and...  more

Dozan Wa Awtar
group: Dozan Wa Awtar

*** Dozan wa Awtar Singers *** formed in 2008, Dozan wa Awtar Singers is the leading secular Choir in Jordan, with a diverse membership and repertoire. We welcome people of all nationalities and faiths, who want to experience the joy of singing and ex...  more


Over 15 members. Founded by its conductor Reyes Duarte.

Hans Leo Hassler "Halleliuja - Laudem dicite"
video: Hans Leo Hassler "Halleliuja - Laudem dicite"

Kauno mišrus choras "Saluto" Lietuvos suaugusiųjų chorų konkurse; Vadovė ir dirigentė Ramutė Štreimikytė; Šv. Kotrynos bažnyčia, Vilnius, 2013 m. gruodžio 1 d.

Coral Ad Libitum de Puerto Rico, Inc.
group: Coral Ad Libitum de Puerto Rico, Inc.

Ad Libitum Choir represents the new faces over the coral music in Puerto Rico. Is a non profit organization that provides the resources and skills as necessary to perform great and marvelous choral music.