6,650 results found
The Mastersingers
Formed primarily as a recording and backing ensemble of male voices some 30 years ago under the direction of Alan Simmons, The Mastersingers evolved into its present format of four female and eight male voices, the unique voicing – SATTBB - in 1993.
We c... moreFormed primarily as a recording and backing ensemble of male voices some 30 years ago under the direction of Alan Simmons, The Mastersingers evolved into its present format of four female and eight male voices, the unique voicing – SATTBB - in 1993.
We currently need another 2nd Tenor
Summit Choral Society
The mission of the Summit Choral Society is to produce and present quality performances of distinguished choral music for the enrichment, enjoyment, and education of our singers, our patrons and the Greater Akron community - and beyond! We believe that ar... moreThe mission of the Summit Choral Society is to produce and present quality performances of distinguished choral music for the enrichment, enjoyment, and education of our singers, our patrons and the Greater Akron community - and beyond! We believe that artistically excellent performances of beautiful music – presented with enthusiasm, energy, and insight – provide artistic experiences that have broad appeal and enrich the lives of performers and listeners alike.
Marie Madeleine (Une petite vache noire) - A Traditional Acadian Folksong
This is an arrangement of an Acadian folksong entitled “Marie Madeleine” (more commonly classified in the French-Canadian folksong repertoire as “Une petite vache noire”).
This short, lively SATB piece is loads of fun and highlights the quintessential ... moreThis is an arrangement of an Acadian folksong entitled “Marie Madeleine” (more commonly classified in the French-Canadian folksong repertoire as “Une petite vache noire”).
This short, lively SATB piece is loads of fun and highlights the quintessential elements of the Acadian folksong tradition: podorythmie (seated foot-tapping), diddlage (mouth music), and the spoons. But, it also stretches the tradition to include more modern elements. Don’t be fooled by thinking this is just a simple folksong. It is a challenging and complex piece that reflects the innate musicality of this long-standing Canadian oral tradition.
Though this folksong can be found in other parts of French Canada, I chose to feature the Acadian dialect in this rendition because it is emblematic of the role that language sometime plays in creating social inequity.
Story synopsis: For those unfamiliar with the language, this video helps tell the song’s funny story of a young woman, Marie Madeleine, who has a rather difficult relationship w... less
Capriccio Vocal Ensemble Victoria BC
Now in its 24th season, CapriCCio continues to captivate audiences with outstanding performances of choral music ranging from the 15th century to the present, from Tallis and Gabrieli to Pärt, Whitacre and even younger contemporaries, from simple folk son... moreNow in its 24th season, CapriCCio continues to captivate audiences with outstanding performances of choral music ranging from the 15th century to the present, from Tallis and Gabrieli to Pärt, Whitacre and even younger contemporaries, from simple folk songs to Bach’s B Minor Mass and Handel’s Messiah, all performed in Capriccio’s signature style: virtuosic clarity with a sensitive, compelling spirit.
Pergolesi - Stabat Mater - Part 1 Morgana Kamerkoor
Deel 1 van Pergolesi's Stabat Mater, uitgevoerd door het Morgana Kamerkoor op 7 oktober 2011, in de Oud-Katholieke Kerk in Den Haag. Dirigent is Taco Sorgdrager.
Part 1 of Pergolesi's Stabat Mater, performed by the Morgana Chamber cho... moreDutch:
Deel 1 van Pergolesi's Stabat Mater, uitgevoerd door het Morgana Kamerkoor op 7 oktober 2011, in de Oud-Katholieke Kerk in Den Haag. Dirigent is Taco Sorgdrager.
Part 1 of Pergolesi's Stabat Mater, performed by the Morgana Chamber Choir on October 7, 2011, in the church of the "Old Catholic Movement" in The Hague. Conductor is Taco Sorgdrager.
Edvard Grieg: Ave Maris Stella 萬福光耀海星
北歐音畫夏季音樂會 2
指揮: 科勒.漢肯 Kåre Hanken
Ave Maris Stella - Edvard Grieg
萬福光耀海星 - 葛利格
葛利格(Edvard Grieg, 1843-1907)為挪威國民樂派鋼琴家、指揮家與作曲家,也是當時挪威國民樂派音樂最重要的發起人與領導者,並影響了挪威當代的作曲家。〈萬福光耀海星〉原為中世紀葛利果聖歌,創作者已難考據,多於修道院晚禱儀式中吟唱,讚頌聖母瑪利亞的德澤厚愛。這次將演... more2013.5.20
北歐音畫夏季音樂會 2
指揮: 科勒.漢肯 Kåre Hanken
Ave Maris Stella - Edvard Grieg
萬福光耀海星 - 葛利格
葛利格(Edvard Grieg, 1843-1907)為挪威國民樂派鋼琴家、指揮家與作曲家,也是當時挪威國民樂派音樂最重要的發起人與領導者,並影響了挪威當代的作曲家。〈萬福光耀海星〉原為中世紀葛利果聖歌,創作者已難考據,多於修道院晚禱儀式中吟唱,讚頌聖母瑪利亞的德澤厚愛。這次將演唱葛利格於1899年所完成的混聲四部無伴奏合唱版本。
Maris Stella, Dei Mater alma,
Atque semper Virgo, Felix coeli porta.
Solve vincla reis: Profer lumen caecis,
Mala nostra pella, Bona cuncta posce.
Vitam praesta puram, Iter para tutum,
Ut, Videntes Jesum Semper collaetemur.
Sit laus Deo Patri, Summon Christo decus, Spiritui Sancto;
Tribus honor unus. Amen.
以及聖靈,歸榮耀於三位一體。 less
Komorni zbor DEKOR, dir. Dani Juris - R. Gobec: Mrak
Published on Jun 22, 2015
DEKOR Chamber Choir
(Slovenija / Slovenia)
Dirigent / Conductor:
Dani Juris
(Finska / Finland)
Radovan Gobec (1909-1995): Mrak / Twilight
Mrak (Milka Hartman)
Mrak je dahnil na poljane,
b... morePublished on Jun 22, 2015
DEKOR Chamber Choir
(Slovenija / Slovenia)
Dirigent / Conductor:
Dani Juris
(Finska / Finland)
Radovan Gobec (1909-1995): Mrak / Twilight
Mrak (Milka Hartman)
Mrak je dahnil na poljane,
blagi, vonjavi poljub.
Sapice so v spev ubrane,
v srcu je ljubav in up.
Slišim travic šepetanje,
stezo boža lunin soj.
Nekdo gre na vasovanje,
joj, saj to je ljubi moj!
Sklonil se je nagelj rdeči,
rožmarin je zadehtel
in zavriskala noč je v sreči,
ko me moj ljubi je objel.
Posneto na koncertu v cerkvi sv. Jakoba v Ljubljani 17. maja 2015
Recorded live at a concert in the St. Jacob's Church in Ljubljana on 17th May 2015
Posneto v formatu DSD128, snemalec:
analogSurviver - Aleksander Govekar
Originally recorded live to DSD128 by:
analogSurviver - Aleksander Govekar
Fotografije / Photos by:
Iztok Ameršek
Ljubljana, Slovenija, 2015
Komorni zbor DEKOR
V zače... less
Komorni zbor DEKOR, dir. Dani Juris - R. Gobec: Mrak
DEKOR Chamber Choir
(Slovenija / Slovenia)
Dirigent / Conductor:
Dani Juris
(Finska / Finland)
Radovan Gobec (1909-1995): Mrak / Twilight
Mrak (Milka Hartman)
Mrak je dahnil na poljane,
blagi, vonjavi poljub.
DEKOR Chamber Choir
(Slovenija / Slovenia)
Dirigent / Conductor:
Dani Juris
(Finska / Finland)
Radovan Gobec (1909-1995): Mrak / Twilight
Mrak (Milka Hartman)
Mrak je dahnil na poljane,
blagi, vonjavi poljub.
Sapice so v spev ubrane,
v srcu je ljubav in up.
Slišim travic šepetanje,
stezo boža lunin soj.
Nekdo gre na vasovanje,
joj, saj to je ljubi moj!
Sklonil se je nagelj rdeči,
rožmarin je zadehtel
in zavriskala noč je v sreči,
ko me moj ljubi je objel.
Posneto na koncertu v cerkvi sv. Jakoba v Ljubljani 17. maja 2015
Recorded live at a concert in the St. Jacob's Church in Ljubljana on 17th May 2015
Posneto v formatu DSD128, snemalec / Originally recorded live to DSD128 by:
analogSurviver - Aleksander Govekar
Fotografije / Photos by:
Iztok Ameršek
Ljubljana, Slovenija, 2015
Komorni zbor DEKOR
V začetku leta 2015 je v Ljubljani n... less
Kantorei of Kansas City
Kantorei, (pronounced kahn-to-rye) whose membership consists of professional and student musicians, is a Missouri non-profit organization in the process of becoming a 501c3. We are dedicated to educating audiences of all ages in music from the Medieval pe... moreKantorei, (pronounced kahn-to-rye) whose membership consists of professional and student musicians, is a Missouri non-profit organization in the process of becoming a 501c3. We are dedicated to educating audiences of all ages in music from the Medieval period through the 21st century through high quality performances by its professional vocal ensemble, Kantorei Choral Ensemble. Kantorei is largely unconducted which provides a unique connection to the audience, creating an unusually intimate performance and audience experience. Our concerts are all about the voices and the music. A pure listening delight! less
Camerata Prima Voce
Agrupación formada a fines de 2010 por la inquietud de jóvenes estudiantes de distintas universidades de Santiago por formar un grupo coral experimental, presentándose por primera vez en el mes de diciembre de ese año en el Centre Catalá.
En 2011 reanu... moreAgrupación formada a fines de 2010 por la inquietud de jóvenes estudiantes de distintas universidades de Santiago por formar un grupo coral experimental, presentándose por primera vez en el mes de diciembre de ese año en el Centre Catalá.
En 2011 reanuda su actividad presentándose en el “I Encuentro de Música Sacra”, organizado por el Coro de ex alumnos de la UC. Además participa en la “V Temporada Oficial Coral del Centre Catalá”, en el lanzamiento de la fundación coral “Alejandro Pino”, en la “VII temporada Coral de Codelco” y en la “V Temporada Coral de la Universidad Santo Tomás.”
En 2012, junto al Coro de Estudiantes, Fact. Ingeniería y Orquesta UC, interpretan el Oratorio “Cristo en el Monte de los Olivos” de Ludwig van Beethoven, bajo la dirección general del maestro Víctor Alarcón., se presentan en la VI Temporada Oficial Coral del Centre Catalá”.
La agrupación es dirigida por el Sr. Manuel Suazo Pavez, titulado de la Universidad de Concepción de Pedagogía en Educación Musical, con post título e... less