Formed in 1867, the Bedford Choral Society is one of the oldest established choral societies in the United Kingdom. A thriving local Choir, the Bedford Choral Society performs three or four times each year - usually in Bedford's historic Corn Exchange.... more
Haydn Nelson mass (Missa in Angustis) performed by Collis Choral Singers (who formed the initial members of TCC), accompanied by the Ashford Baroque Ensemble. This concert was at St Mark's Church, Teddington on Saturday June 8th, 2013.
IN MEMORIA AETERNA Beatus Vir RV 597 Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) Coro Academia Concerto Altamiro Bernardes Madrigal Mackenzie Parcival Módolo Catedral Metropolitana de Sorocaba 15 de agosto de 2007
Dixit Maria by Hans Leo Hassler. Hljómeyki Chamber Choir, conductor Marta G. Halldórsdóttir. Skálholt Cathedral July 5th 2012
Cappella Musicale Corradiana, Choir & orchestra, was born in 2007, conducted by Antonio Magarelli. They are specialized in sacred Renaissance, baroque and classical repertoire. The orchestra is composed by professional Early music mus... more
主,天主的羔羊 Domine Deus, Agnus Dei 這段不朽的樂章與第二段相得益彰。F大調夾著d小調,緩慢卻充滿內聚力。它以深沉的女 低音獨唱以及合唱團的回應,獨唱部分是主要旋律線,合唱部分的回應則是和聲式的複音織 體,有再一次強調的感覺,有力地將人類祈求「上帝羔羊的憐憫」之聲表達得淋漓盡致。 獨唱: 詹喆君(女中音) 指揮: 翁佳芬 伴奏: 巴洛克獨奏家樂團 時間: 2007/12/11 地點: 高雄市文化中心至德堂
2013.5.20 北歐音畫夏季音樂會 2 大東文化藝術中心演藝廳 指揮: 科勒.漢肯 Kåre Hanken Ave Maria Nr. 3 - Vytautas Miškinis 第三號聖母頌 - 米斯金尼斯 立陶宛當代著名作曲家、合唱指揮米斯金尼斯(Vytautas Miškinis, 1954-),迄今已有超過400首作品,合唱曲如〈頌讚上主〉(Cantate Domino),已成為比賽、演出的名曲,1990年的〈第三號聖母頌〉以男女聲對唱、聲部模仿、主旋律與伴奏等的織度,... more
12th International Chamber Choir Competition Marktoberdorf, Germany,; June 10-15, 2011; Live recording; This is a service of Choral Festival Network; Competition Round 1, June 11
12th International Chamber Choir Competition Marktoberdorf, Germany,; June 10-15, 2011; Live recording; This is a service of Choral Festival Network; Competition Round 1, June 11