International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


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blog: Messiah from memory PLUS Mini Messiah Concert for children

MoSt Singers know Messiah pretty well, but how would you feel having to walk out on Stage for a complete Messiah performance without your score?   That's exactly what the members of BriStol Choral Society will be doing this Saturday 22 December at ...

Bring Him Home
video: Bring Him Home

A recording of our performance of Bring Him Home at our recent Concert in Staple Hill MethodiSt Church

Lord Make Me An Instrument of Thy Peace (Music by John Rutter)
video: Lord Make Me An InStrument of Thy Peace (Music by John Rutter)

Jakarta FeStival Chorus (Male Chorus), I AuguSt 2015, GKY Pluit.

Shen khar venakhi
video: Shen khar venakhi

Cantores CeleStes Maritimes was formed in June 2022 in Saint John NB This is from our Concert 'Untraveled Worlds' April 29, 2023 Facebook: Cantores CeleStes Twitter: @Cantores_Choir YouTube: Kelly Galbraith cantorescele...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Cantores CeleStes Maritimes was formed in June 2022 in Saint John NB This is from our Concert 'Untraveled Worlds' April 29, 2023 Facebook: Cantores CeleStes Twitter: @Cantores_Choir YouTube: Kelly Galbraith  

O Radiant Dawn - James MacMillan - Downtown Voices - Stephen Sands, conductor - Christmas choir
video: O Radiant Dawn - James MacMillan - Downtown Voices - Stephen Sands, conductor - ChriStmas choir

O Radiant Dawn James MacMillan (1959-) Trinity Church, NYC Downtown Voices (http://downtown Stephen Sands, conductor ( James MacMillan (1959-) — O Radiant Dawn Antiphon for December 21St ‘O Oriens’ O Radian...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">O Radiant Dawn James MacMillan (1959-) Trinity Church, NYC Downtown Voices (http://downtown Stephen Sands, conductor ( James MacMillan (1959-) — O Radiant Dawn Antiphon for December 21St ‘O Oriens’ O Radiant Dawn, Splendour of eternal Light, Sun of JuStice: Come, shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death. Isaiah had prophesied, The people who walked in darkness have seen the great light upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone. Amen.  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Six Degree Singers
group: Six Degree Singers

Six Degree Singers is a vibrant community choir of 35 young adult performers dedicated to making quality music and bringing it to the Washington area through performances, volunteer work and musical education. Six Degree Singers has featured in events all...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Six Degree Singers is a vibrant community choir of 35 young adult performers dedicated to making quality music and bringing it to the Washington area through performances, volunteer work and musical education. Six Degree Singers has featured in events all around the D.C.-metro area, including the Silver Spring Loy Krathong Thai FeStival and the Chesapeake-Potomac Invitational Bonspiel, an annual curling event, and was recently selected to perform in the closing Concert of the Kennedy Center's National Choral FeStival in 2014. As a regiStered non-profit organization, Six Degree Singers also participates in outreach activities at various charity events and retirement communities.  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Welsh Male Voice Choir Workshop - Cantorion Colin Jones
video: Welsh Male Voice Choir Workshop - Cantorion Colin Jones

Cantorion and John Daniel launched their firSt ever Choral Workshop at LlanrwSt Leisure Centre on Sunday, April 17th 2011. It was an open invitation for men who wanted the informal experience of singing within the ranks of a Welsh Male Vocie Choir and it...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Cantorion and John Daniel launched their firSt ever Choral Workshop at LlanrwSt Leisure Centre on Sunday, April 17th 2011. It was an open invitation for men who wanted the informal experience of singing within the ranks of a Welsh Male Vocie Choir and it proved to be a huge success. Several gueSts turned up for the experience and were treated to the full basics of vocal production and singing within the choir by John Daniel. The demand is such that John and the committee will be arranging a second workshop soon. Please visit  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Vokalgruppe VIP
group: Vokalgruppe VIP

The Vokalgruppe VIP consiSts of eight young Singers. All of them are former members of the “Dresdner Kreuzchor” (Choir of the Church of the Holy Cross Dresden) or the “Thomanerchor Leipzig” (St. Thomas Choir Leipzig), two of the moSt famous boy's choirs i...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Vokalgruppe VIP consiSts of eight young Singers. All of them are former members of the “Dresdner Kreuzchor” (Choir of the Church of the Holy Cross Dresden) or the “Thomanerchor Leipzig” (St. Thomas Choir Leipzig), two of the moSt famous boy's choirs in Germany. The Singers have set themselves the target to present their liSteners a wide musical spectrum. Their repertoire consiSts of vocal music from Renaissance and Baroque to Romanticism to the 20th and 21St century. Important elements are works of Jacobus Gallus, Michael Praetorius, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Francis Poulenc and Rudolf Mauersberger. In addition they also perform with popular music. Music of the “Comedian HarmoniSts”, “The Beatles”, Billy Joel or the German group “Wise Guys” are also an essential part of their repertoire. at their Concerts they perform in varying conStellations from four up to eight Singers. In 2011 the ensemble attended a maSter class with the King's Singers. at the a cappella competition “” in Graz they...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

The Marlowe Singers - I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
video: The Marlowe Singers - I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

From William Wordsworth's famous Poem Eric Thiman created this beautiful song, performed here by The Marlowe Singers at Otham. SA

Cantorion Colin Jones
group: Cantorion Colin Jones

Cantorion Colin Jones is one of Wales moSt preStigious male voice Concert choirs, relatively young in age but long in experience and expertise, providing a unique and highly entertaining sound. It offers an opportunity to hear the very beSt in a long trad...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Cantorion Colin Jones is one of Wales moSt preStigious male voice Concert choirs, relatively young in age but long in experience and expertise, providing a unique and highly entertaining sound. It offers an opportunity to hear the very beSt in a long tradition of Welsh male voice singing. Cantorion was founded by Colin Jones in 1992 when he invited Singers, who he knew and had taught and conducted previously in other choirs across North Wales, to join his new chorus. Since Colin and John Daniel's retirement, Aled Wyn Edwards has been able to match their skills in voice production and choral management with the enthusiasm and commitment of some of North Wales fineSt male choral Singers and soloiSts and during the laSt 12 months has eStablished a male chorus with a special sound and quality now recognised after its numerous tours and performances in many countries, worldwide.  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less