AdeSte Fideles, de John Reading Concierto de Navidad en el MonaSterio de Santa María de El Paular, Rascafría, Madrid Coral Santiago ApóStol de Casarrubuelos SoliSta gospel: Pilar Dios Dúo soprano-contralto: Bianca Pita y Araceli Pompa Director: Mariano García
Concert in Nobeoka, Japan, 2012: german folk song, composed by Friedrich Silcher, arranged by Gunther Martin Göttsche, performed by the Berlin Girls Choir – Concert Choir, directed by Sabine WüSthoff
This free online workshop presented by the Royal School of Church Music with acclaimed conductor David Hill (director of the Bach Choir, Principal Conductor of Yale Schola Cantorum, and conductor of the BBC Singers from 2007-17) will offer practical advic...
Boğaziçi Caz Korosu won 3 GOLD MEDALS in the 2012 World Choir Games in Cincinnati USA! Thank you for your support! Bogazici Caz Korosu, Amerika'da 2012 Dunya Koro Olimpiyatlari'nda 3 ALTIN MADALYA kazandi! DeSteginiz icin sonsuz tesekkurler! www.bog... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Boğaziçi Caz Korosu won 3 GOLD MEDALS in the 2012 World Choir Games in Cincinnati USA! Thank you for your support! Bogazici Caz Korosu, Amerika'da 2012 Dunya Koro Olimpiyatlari'nda 3 ALTIN MADALYA kazandi! DeSteginiz icin sonsuz tesekkurler!
Boğaziçi Caz Korosu won 3 GOLD MEDALS in the 2012 World Choir Games in Cincinnati USA! Thank you for your support! Bogazici Caz Korosu, Amerika'da 2012 Dunya Koro Olimpiyatlari'nda 3 ALTIN MADALYA kazandi! DeSteginiz icin sonsuz tesekkurler! www.bog... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Boğaziçi Caz Korosu won 3 GOLD MEDALS in the 2012 World Choir Games in Cincinnati USA! Thank you for your support! Bogazici Caz Korosu, Amerika'da 2012 Dunya Koro Olimpiyatlari'nda 3 ALTIN MADALYA kazandi! DeSteginiz icin sonsuz tesekkurler!
The Fab and Adorable Spinnaker Chorus at The Sweet Adelines International Chorus Competition Birmingham May 2012
Arrangement written and performed by Dr. Jeanette Gallant with choral accompaniment by the Hong Kong Children's Choir and members of the Vancouver Chamber Choir.
The Fab and Adorable Spinnaker Chorus. In January 2012 this all womens chorus from Portsmouth headed to Bournemouth for a weekend of coaching. They filmed this on the cold sandy beach for memories of fun, friendship and cameraderie! Music is more than ju... Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Fab and Adorable Spinnaker Chorus. In January 2012 this all womens chorus from Portsmouth headed to Bournemouth for a weekend of coaching. They filmed this on the cold sandy beach for memories of fun, friendship and cameraderie! Music is more than juSt notes and words eh!
Live performance from our ChriStmas Concert, 2021