6,740 results found
The People's Show Choir Newport
Are you passionate about Singing? Then The People's Show Choir Newport is for you.
A community-friendly choir where no previous music experience is needed to be a part of. All you need to do is come with a smile and a passion for Singing. No auditions ... moreAre you passionate about Singing? Then The People's Show Choir Newport is for you.
A community-friendly choir where no previous music experience is needed to be a part of. All you need to do is come with a smile and a passion for Singing. No auditions are required and your first two weeks are on us.
Do you need Singing lessons in order to sing?
[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir]
I often get enquiries from people looking for one-to-one Singing lessons. I tell them that unfortunately I don’t offer them.
Alive and Singing® - Viva La Vida
Alive and Singing perform "Viva La Vida", (by Guy Berryman, Jon Buckland, Will Champion and Chris Martin), arranged and conducted by Jamie Serafi, on Saturday 6th July 2013 at Bedford Corn Exchange, at their SINGSATIONAL 100 Voices End Of Year Concert. Fi... moreAlive and Singing perform "Viva La Vida", (by Guy Berryman, Jon Buckland, Will Champion and Chris Martin), arranged and conducted by Jamie Serafi, on Saturday 6th July 2013 at Bedford Corn Exchange, at their SINGSATIONAL 100 Voices End Of Year Concert. Find out more about joining Alive and Singing at
How to plan and run a Singing workshop
[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir]
Planning a Singing workshop is a lot like planning a regular choir session.
Photo by Pink Singers
The main differences are t...
Just Sing! Community Choir
Singing with Just Sing! Community Choir is fun, friendly and fabulously relaxed!
No auditions.
No need to be able read music.
No previous Singing experience required.
Affordable membership fees.
And your first rehearsal is absolutely FREE.
... moreSinging with Just Sing! Community Choir is fun, friendly and fabulously relaxed!
No auditions.
No need to be able read music.
No previous Singing experience required.
Affordable membership fees.
And your first rehearsal is absolutely FREE.
Before you know it you'll quickly learn all types of songs, from classical to pop classics, from folk to rock and roll via musicals. What's more, you'll learn all about breathing and vocal technique from our engaging Musical Director Penny Manser. So improve your Singing and build confidence at the same time! less
The People's Show Choir Halesowen
Are you passionate about Singing? Then The People's Show Choir Halesowen is for you.
A community-friendly choir where no previous music experience is needed to be a part of. All you need to do is come with a smile and a passion for Singing. No auditi... moreAre you passionate about Singing? Then The People's Show Choir Halesowen is for you.
A community-friendly choir where no previous music experience is needed to be a part of. All you need to do is come with a smile and a passion for Singing. No auditions are required and your first two weeks are on us.
Foods to help your Singing voice
It isn’t a myth that what you eat can affect your vocal chords. Many noted professional singers will follow special diets or exclude certain foods from their diet before they go into competition or concert.
Singing in a choir shou...
Sing For Your Heart
A Singing Group for Cardiac Friends
"You can forget your troubles, you live in the moment and enjoy the Singing – beautiful!" – J
Singing is a gentle form of cardio-vascular exercise
with many wellbeing bene... moreHeartSong
Sing For Your Heart
A Singing Group for Cardiac Friends
"You can forget your troubles, you live in the moment and enjoy the Singing – beautiful!" – J
Singing is a gentle form of cardio-vascular exercise
with many wellbeing benefits:
Encourages deeper breathing – promoting respiratory health
Releases stress – potentially lowering blood pressure
Lifts the spirits – releasing happy hormones
Brings us together – in a creative activity
Boosts memory skills – it’s brain gym
Can be Seriously Good Fun!
Sessions include gentle warm up exercises and
Singing of songs from around the world
All taught by ear – no previous musical ability required.
Open to all cardiac patients, their friends and family.
Lead by experienced Singing facilitator
Katie Rose
It doesn’t really matter how you sing, you sing for the enjoyment and the fun of it and you feel safe - D
Join us for Happy Healthy Harmonies
Sessions take place bi-monthly
Holwell Village Hall
Pirton Road, Holwell, Hitc... less