About Us: Children's choir ,,The Stars” (“Zvezdice”- eng. little stars) was formed in 2002 as a project with the support of UNDP - United Nations Development Programme for the development and improvement of cultural activities among the youngest population. The cho... moreChildren's choir ,,The Stars” (“Zvezdice”- eng. little stars) was formed in 2002 as a project with the support of UNDP - United Nations Development Programme for the development and improvement of cultural activities among the youngest population. The choir, which operates in the far south of Serbia for years, despite all the social and economic circumstances, represents a qualitative benchmark of children's choir singing in Serbia. The very existence and successful work is the largest choir incentive and support talented children to build and improve their talent, and through further education and training contribute to the cultural and any other development of their region. Music as a separate and clear illustration of the atmosphere, geography, traditions and cultural code, this choir with special kind of social engagement symbolizes the socio-political background of which is aimed at awakening cultural awareness and human self-consciousness.
Choir brings together 50 members, children aged from 7 to 17, affirming the tradition of choral singing.
So far, the children's choir ,,The Stars” had occasion to perform and represent itselfBulgaria - Pernik: The final concert in the Festival of Children's classical music 2012: Serbia - Novi Sad - Synagogue, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Banja Luka: ,,The trail of unforgivableness” project co-funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia.
All further information and multimedia content associated with choir performances can be found on the official website of the children's choir ,,The Stars” www.zvezdice.rs
Biography of the conductor
PhD Jelena Cvetkovic was born in Leskovac in 1970. She graduated at the Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade, Department of general music pedagogy. Today is an Assistant Professor at the University of the Arts - Faculty of Arts, in Nis.
,,Čičko Stojan”
2008: France - Mayenne: concert at the National Theatre, the opening concert season 2008/2009
2009: Serbia - Leskovac: October winner of the prestigious award for outstanding contribution to the City in the area of culture
2010: Macedonia - Ohrid: Concert in the part of a review of the Ohrid choir festival, the Cultural Centre
2010: Bosnia and Herzegovina - Banja Luka:- International Choral Encounters, Hall of Bans
2011: Serbia - Belgrade: - Closing Gala evening of the International choral festival ,,Voice of Belgrade”, cantata ,,The game of strings and cords”, project co-funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia
2011: The Republic of Slovakia - Bratislava: International Festival of Children's and Youth Choirs, category winner, the holder of a special award for culture of singing and a special prize for the holder of the most impressive performance at the festival
2011: Serbia - Leskovac - Opening Gala Concert ,,The first concert season” in Leskovac, a joint appearance with the children choir ,, Carmina” from the Czech Republic
2011: Macedonia - Ohrid, Skopje: Cantata, ,,The game of strings and cords” project co-funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia
2012: The Czech Republic and Poland: Concert Tour, 6 concerts in the cities of Sušice, Prague, Loučná nad Desnou, Rychnov nad Kněžnou and Bystrzyca Kłodzka. City’s children's choir,,The Stars” was performed with the choir ,,Carmina” from Rychnov and,,Prague Cantilena” in Prague
2012: Macedonia less
Additional names: Gradski dečji hor Zvezdice - Leskovac
3,164 views - added April 22, 2013 - admin of this choir page is Jelena Cvetkovic
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