For many people, ‘Male Voice Choir’ evokes images of men in blazers standing on a windy hillside singing Men of Harlech. But not all men’s choirs are like that and Bournemouth Male Voice Choir certainly isn’t. Not ... moreNot what you might think!
For many people, ‘Male Voice Choir’ evokes images of men in blazers standing on a windy hillside singing Men of Harlech. But not all men’s choirs are like that and Bournemouth Male Voice Choir certainly isn’t. Not only is our music diverse – spanning everything from Palestrina and Poulenc to Take That and Queen – but the range of venues we sing in and the diversity of our members’ interests means that BMVC has something for everyone.
Have you ever sat at home watching one of those choir programmes on TV and wished you could be a part of something like that? If you have, then the Bournemouth Male Voice Choir could be for you.
Please don't be put off if:
. You’ve never sung in a choir before
. You’re not sure if you’re good enough
. You think the music is old-fashioned and boring
Many people join having had no experience of singing in public. You don’t need to be able to sight-read music, either. As long as you can sing in tune and are willing to learn, then you’re already half way there. Add in a disciplined approach and an enthusiasm for a wide range of music (old and new), and you’ve pretty much got what it takes to be a good chorister.
Our Mission - "to be the best we can be - Proud of our past - looking to the future!" less
Location: Norwood Place Bournemouth BH5 2AT, Bournemouth, Dorset, United Kingdom  [map]
2,718 views - added June 25, 2011 - admin of this choir page is Mark Burstow
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