About Us: Female choir DZINTARS was founded in 1947. Since then the choir has been not only one of the best choirs in it`s home country Latvia but also recognized and awarded in many international choir contests. The choir has participated in countless internationa... moreFemale choir DZINTARS was founded in 1947. Since then the choir has been not only one of the best choirs in it`s home country Latvia but also recognized and awarded in many international choir contests. The choir has participated in countless international choir festivals and performed abroad, for example, in Portugal, Japan, Canada, United States of America and many more.
Founder of the choir was Mefodijs Skuja but the greatest achievments DZINTARS succeeded with perennial conductor Ausma Derkēvica.
Since 2000 the conductor and Artistic Director is Aira Birziņa, chief conductor of The Nationwide Song Festival in Latvia, Professor of Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music, organizator of innumerable cultural projects and author of the concepts of many projects for avocational choirs.
For many years the vocal teacher of DZINTARS has been Aina Bajāre, the soloist of former Operetta Theater of Rīga and vocal teacher of world renown youth choir KAMĒR... .
The concert master of DZINTARS is one of the leading pianists of National Opera of Latvia Mārtiņš Zilberts. less
Additional names: Sieviešu koris DZINTARS
Location: Ropažu Street 2, LV-1039, Rīga, Latvia [map]
3,738 views - added October 8, 2012 - admin of this choir page is Linda Āboliņa
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