About Us: ex-semble
The female choir ex-semble was founded in the year 1994 by its conductor Christoph Haßler. It started as an experiment in a small ensemble. Most of ex-semble's members come from the Süwestpfälzer Kinderchor. Starting in the children's cho... moreex-semble
The female choir ex-semble was founded in the year 1994 by its conductor Christoph Haßler. It started as an experiment in a small ensemble. Most of ex-semble's members come from the Süwestpfälzer Kinderchor. Starting in the children's choir with voice training and also personal formation, ex-semble works mainly with a-cappella literature of all epoches. From the beginning on, ex-semble has regularly given concerts in Germany as well as in foreign countries.
ex-semble's current highlights:
Concerts and recordings for radio and television with Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) and Südwestrundfunk (SWR)
Production of the first a-cappella CD Leis' rauscht die Nacht
Gold medal at the International Choir Competition Riva del Garda
Special concerts during the Deutsches Chorfest in Berlin upon an invitation from the Deutscher Chorverband; for example at the Philharmonic Hall in Berlin
Gold medal and category winner of the national choir festival in Lindenholzhausen; Christoph Haßler awarded with the conductor's prize
Production of the second CD faszination
Gold certificate and winner in the category female chamber choir at the International Harmony Festival in Lindenholzhausen
Winner of the female chamber choir category at the 7th Landeschorwettbewerb in Mutterstadt.
1. Award winner in the German Choir Competition 2006 in Kiel in the female chamber choir category;
Production of the Christmas CD Irgendwo ist Weihnachtsland
Production of the CD Salve Regina for the benefit of the cathedral in Speyer.
2. Prize in the female choir category with the certificate: internationally excellent, in the 10th international competition for chamber choirs in Marktoberdorf.
Production of the CD Wenn ich ein Vöglein wär
Participation in the European Broadcasting Union Festival in Cologne, upon an invitation of the WDR.
Special concert during the German Choir Competition 2010 in Dortmund.
Première of the compositionThe bread of life by Bob Chilcott
2. prize in the female choir category in the international choir contest of Flanders/Maasmechelen less
Location: Münchweiler an der Rodalb, Germany  [map]
3,011 views - added October 10, 2011 - admin of this choir page is ex-semble
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