Mistango Choir Festival

Coro de Cámara Ainur

  • About Us: The Ainur Chamber Choir was originally founded in 1991, at a time when a main choral movement was taking place in the Canary Islands. The choir’s work was interrupted for several years during its members’ academic education, as well as during their partic...  more
  • Additional names: Ainur Chamber Choir
  • Location: C/. Sor Brígida Castelló, 3, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Spain  [map]
  • Since: 2006
  • Voices: Mixed
  • Choir type: Chamber choir
  • Genres: Jazz, Pop/Rock, Gospel, A cappella, Classical, Folk/Ethnic, Sacred
  • Website www.coroainur.com
  • Open to new singers: Yes - auditions required
2,236 views - added August 4, 2011 - admin of this choir page is Javier Toledo Ravelo