International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

29 Composers Offer No- or Low-Cost New Music Commissions!

  • To All Choir Directors Who Have Never Commissioned a Choral Piece:


    ♪          Have you always wanted to commission a special piece for your choir, but never had enough money? 

    ♪          Is there a particular poem you'd like to see set, or a particular theme for which you cannot find “that

                perfect piece”? 

    ♪          Is there a niche in an upcoming program you'd like to fill? 

    ♪          Will you be performing a set of pieces based on the same theme or text, and would like to commission

                a new piece that brings a fresh perspective to the set? 

    ♪          Is there a composer's work that you admire, and you’d like to bring a brand new work by her or him

                to light? 

    ♪          Is there a special person or group whom you wish to honor with a special song?

    ♪          Would you like to enjoy and learn from a commissioning experience with a talented, highly-motivated



    Have we got a deal for you!


    Each of the 29 composers (as of 8-3-12) who are participating in this unique, first-time Commission Project offers their time and talents to write a special piece for a choir (or perhaps more than one piece, for more than one choir), in exchange for:


    ♫         A guaranteed premiere public performance (as long as the work meets with your approval, and is

               delivered by your deadline);

    ♫         A nice recording of the piece, with your permission for the composer to use it freely in her/his own

               marketing efforts.  An audio recording is obligatory, but sending a separate, additional audiovisual

               recording is better.  By “nice recording” we don’t mean an expensive, professionally-produced one, but

               the very best one that your choir can produce in a quiet environment (without an audience, if 


    ♫         A very modest fee* ($1 - $100) is requested by some, but not all, composers in addition to a

               premiere and a nice recording. 


    [*Please note:  As you work with a composer, you can together determine the “true monetary value” of the composer’s time and effort, and add this information to your list of in-kind donations, if your choir keeps track of that information for accounting and fundraising purposes.]


    This special project is open to ALL choir directors and choirs everywhere who have never before commissioned a choral work.  Choir directors may approach as many or as few composers as they wish.  Composers may work with as many choirs as they wish, producing as many pieces as they wish.  However, no one is obligated to work with anyone, and will make choices according to individual needs and desires.  Composers will retain all copyrights to their works.


    All communications, negotiations, agreements, contracts, schedules, etc. will be conducted, arranged, and completed by each choir director & composer team—no one else will be involved at any point or level.  Your interaction may be as casual or as formal as you both wish.  The only ground rule is that everyone will be expected to work in an honest, ethical, professional manner in the pursuit of their respective goals.  And of course we hope that everyone will have fun with this, as well!  Interested?  This offer is good from July 15 until October 15, 2012. 


    Please go to to view the entire list of participating composers and their information—email addresses, links to previous works, composing preferences, and locations.


    Happy commissioning!

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